Chapter 10

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Hey guys
You probably mad at me for not updating or you dont care
Ethier or
I want to say I have a good reason why
But I'm not going to say cause I'm lazy (*wispers* its school)
Anyways enjoy lol

Ariana's pov~

I woke up early today with a big smile on my face. Today is my birthday! I quickly grabbed my phone to call the the first person I thought of.

Y/n's pov~

I woke up earlier than I usually would because someone was calling me and I was not happy. “Ari, its like 7am, why are you calling me” I asked in a frustrated tone. Today is Ariana's birthday and I have a big surprise for her but I wanted to get some rest since we're going to be out all day. “I know but do you know what today is” she said or asked all excited and stuff. I will never know how this girl can be so energetic this early in the morning “uhh.. Wednesday”. “No silly, it's my birthday” she said still energetic but with a little sadness in her voice. “Ooooooooh” I said while laughing jokingly. “Y/n did you forget” “no you told me like a thousand times, now… be ready at ten and send me your address”

Ariana's pov~

“Oh and wear something magical” she finished but I was still confused. “Wait what do you mea-” I was cut of by the sound of the call ending. Just great!

It's now 10:05 and I saw her car pull up into the driveway. I hurried and got from my window to the door downstairs to open it. After making sure I has everything and dusting off my outfit I swung open the door to be met with her face. “Wow” i heard her mumbled but I shook it off. “Ready to go y/n/n (your nickname)” I said. “Yeah but first let me put this on"she replied while holding a blindfold. “Why”

Yeah yeah
It's short but
At least it's something
Also, I now have a bunch of ideas for this book
So more chapters coming soon..
Ok bye loves

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