I Got A Habit (Of Seeing What Isn't There)

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Y/n pov~

It was the end of the show and Ari was acting...off. I dont know if it was something I did but she wasnt acting like she was during the beginning of the show. I walked to her dressing room and knocked on the door. After hearing a faint come in, I open the door to see a mad Ariana on her phone scrolling through something.
"Hey baby" I say walking up to her but she doesn't smile like she usually does. Instead when i tried to kiss her she pushed me away.

"What's wrong" i ask but I get no response. I try again but instantly regret it.

"What's wrong? WHATS WRONG IS THAT MY GIRLFRIEND IS OUT WITH SOME GIRL BEHIND MY BACK" she yells at me causing me to flinch. I never experienced her yelling at me before so this was a first, I think. I try to get to her to calm her down but she throws something at me. I quickly get out the way to not get hit. Me moving didnt really help anything because I was hit in the face with something else. I look down to see she threw a pen at me.

Ok, she willing to do some real damage.


Ok, now that's not entirely true.
"Baby calm down, it's all a misunderstanding" I try to tell her but shes not having it. She keeps throwing things my way. When something cut me, that's when I had enough. I stomped over to her and wrestled her to stop. Sooner enough I have her in my arms unable to move, even though she is still trying to get out of my grip.

"Ariana, I didnt kiss her, she kissed me" I started off to get her full attention.
"Just let me explain" I finished. She nodded her head in agreement and I slowly let my arms unwrap. She instantly gets something from the counter ready to throw it at me. The item successfully makes it to my face causing me to tell on pain and cover my eye with my hand.

"Fucking hell Ariana" I say trying my hardest not to yell. Cause once I yell, theres not telling what I'll do. I grew up with having really bad anger issues, I went to "classes" to help me calm down and learn to control myself. Right now I'm doing what i learned. I count in my head and sing do re mi to help calm myself down. It sounds stupid but it actually works so...

Well at least it did in the past but right now the Italian is pushing my buttons.




"DO I MEAN NOTHING TO YOU" she yells this time hitting me on the chest.


Yeah I skipped a few numbers but I'm really about to do something I'll regret. The shorter woman is still yelling and hitting me on the chest pushing me into the wall.



"SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yell this time making her flinch. The door opens to her mom and brother entering the room.

In My Head (Ariana/You)Where stories live. Discover now