Chapter 9

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Y/n's pov~

I was in Ari's kitchen sitting at the bar finishing up my cereal while Ariana  was up stairs getting ready. “So you sure you don't want to come with me” she asked for like the hundredth time and I said the same thing I always reply with when she asked this question. “I'll be fine, it's not like I haven't been home by myself before” “but what if he's there, I'm not going to be able to protect” she said out of concern which made me blush a little.

After thinking about it for a long minute, I made my decision. “Okay, I'll go as long as I don't have to do anything that requires me to move around alot” I gave in, she can be very convincing. She giggled at what I said “ I'm sure their not going to make you do anything you don't want to” she replied. “Well then, let's go” I said while getting the things I need like my phone and phone charger and head to Ari's car. Ariana said that we are going to this recording studio cause she had to record some songs for her new album. She hasn't told me what the songs are or what the album is called, all she said was ‘it's going to be lit’ so I'm
pretty excited.

Ariana's pov~

Me and Courtney were talking while y/n was on the other side of the studio asleep. “So..what's going on between you and y/n over there” Courtney said catching me off guard a little. “There's nothing going on between us, were just friends”I replied blushing slightly. “Then why are you blushing miss I think I'm bi” she said making me blush more. “Oh shush, there's nothing going on between us” but I wish there was.

Sometimes Courtney can be very annoying but I still love her like a sister, I mean we have been best friends since we were babies. “So that means she's single and I can go mingle” she asked which made me a little confused and I guess she noticed. “Is it ok if I ask her out” she clarified which left me to shock.

She want to ask y/n out?

Ok yeah...
Another short chapter but at least there is one
Bye loves

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