Winter Things

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    "Hey, I love you" she said which made my smile wider, if even possible. I squel wrapping my arms around her neck jumping on her catching her off guard. Thankfully she caught me putting her hands on my upper thighs of my legs which were wrapped around her upper torso.

    I give her a passionate kiss but soon got interrupted by Victoria clearing her throat. "Oh hey Vic" Y/n said in a joyful voice.

    "Dont hey Vic me, you know how hard it is to keep a secret that can help you not get beat up" she said with her arms crossed. I gasped at what she said.

    "You knew" I asked and Vic responded with a smile and a nod.
    "Anyways, I'm gonna go so you can tell her the news" she said now walking out the door. When the the door closed I turned back towards Y/n with worry filling my mood. It was silent for a second, the only sound you could hear was Vic's car leaving  the area.
    "Y/n, what news" I said snapping her out of the trance she must have been in. She gave me a warm smile to try and get me to calm down but I could help but think of what she was going to say.
    "Well as you know I came early to surprise you and be here so I dont miss your tour" she started off making me smile even though I could feel a 'but' coming along.
    "But I got news that my grandmother has gotten very sick and I want to be with her just in case" she paused a second looking at me.
    "Which means I'm not going to be with you on tour for however long I'm staying"

    "I'm fine with that" I said as a response. I really wasn't fine with her leaving, I couldn't even wait for her to come back when she left to get her stuff so she can move in. I needed her emotionally and physically especially since the last time I was on tour a lot has happened. But I had to show support for her and her grandmother, if Nonna were sick I would've canceled the whole tour just to be with her so I completely understood.
    "But let's get some rest because I've planned some stuff we can do while I'm here and before tour starts" she said happily lifting the mood a little. Even though it was still day I was happy to get some rest as long as I as was with her, I just wanted to be in her arms.

    We went upstairs to our room changing and getting under the covers cuddling. Before I closed my eyes I wonder what would happen if I hadn't run into Y/n that day.

    I was walking on the sidewalk getting fresh air. The extra cold winds made it cold outside but I had a puffy coat on so it didnt effect me that much. Looking at my phone on Twitter catching up with some people and replying to fans, I look up to make sure I didnt run into someone or something. I almost ran into someone, they were spinning and dancing to some music making me chuckle but continue ahead.

    It was getting boring being out side and I knew it was going to be the same when I went back home so I decided to hit up some friends to hang out with. I contacted Ricky, Scott (who would bring Brian), Vic, and a few others to my place to chill and have fun. After a few minutes they all came and we started the mini party. After a game of monopoly Ricky came up to me saying he has something he wanted to tell me.

"Ariana, I really like you"

(Some years later~)

    "I'm home" I yelled out after closing the door to my shared apartment. Soon I heard footsteps and saw Pete and Toulouse come up to me. He gave me a passionate kiss which I kissed back our lips moving together. Although while this happened I felt a little off, like something was missing or wasnt right. I dismissed this though and smiled at the taller man in front of me. I could feel something scratching my leg and of course it was Toulouse wanting attention. "Hey there goose" I said to him picking the dog up and petting him. I walked over to the couch deciding to watch some tv cause why not. When I turned the TV on the news channel was on the screen and i watched.

    "It seems as the 'suicide killer' has struck again as a person by the name of Y/n Y/ln has been found dead, reports have said that some witnesses have seen a monster like creature push the woman on a tall building causing this woman to fall to her death" the reporter said. When she said the name of the person I couldnt help but think of how that name sounded familiar.


I was shook awake by the love of my life telling me it was time to go. I didn't know where we were going because Y/n wouldn't tell me, saying it was a surprise. Looking out the window of the car I could tell we were somewhere downtown. The car came to a stop and my door was opened by none other than Y/n. I gave her a quick thank you with a kiss on the cheek. I looked around to see we were at a ice skating rink.
    "I bought out the whole rink so we could have some alone time" she said grabbing my hand leading me to the entrance. I was in total shock and happy she did all of this for me. We got inside and put on our gear so we could start ice skating. Y/n confessed she has never done this before so decided to help her get use to it. After a couple of falls and laughs, she finally got used to it and we could skate together without any problems. We soon got tired of skating and went on to the next part of the planned day. One of the employees lead us to a back room and opened the door to find a big room filled with snow and other decorations.

    "Since I may not be here for Christmas, I decided to have some Christmas fun right here and now" she said with a cheeky smile. I laughed at how corny this was but joined her in the snow anyways. I got a text from Vic that most of my friend were at the beach since it was like a 100 degrees out but I told her I wasn't going to be joining her. After I sent the text I was hit by a snowball and heard laughing coming from Y/n.
    "Oh you think that's funny" I said to her to which she replied with a yes causing me to grab a bunch of snow and throw it at her. We went back and forth for and while until I was tackled to the floor. The taller woman started tickling me telling me to give up.
    "Ok ok, I give up" I said in between each laugh. She stopped the tickling and our laughter died down. We then made eye contact for a while until I pulled her down to kiss me. Out lips touch and brought a sensation to my body filling me with joy.
    "We should probably go now" she said. We got up and got our stuff to leave. When we got outside, I didnt notice how late it was until now.

    Y/n drove us home to get some rest. After I took a shower and got ready to go to bed Y/n came in the room with her hand behind her back and a big smile on her face.
    "Lastly, the gift" she said pulling a beautiful wrapped box with a gold bow on top. She gave the present to me motioning for me to open it. I unwrap the box and open it to see a necklace that made me tear up.

    "Its been made to look kinda like the promise ring you gave me a while ago" she said shyly which made me smile at how adorable she was. I look at the details closely and it was a heart made of some type of clear crystal. The rest of the necklace was a silver color with random diamonds placed on it. It was like the ring she had on her neck right now, silver with random diamonds on it with a crystal in the middle.
    "I was going to give it to you just as a ring but I wanted to keep that ring finger bare until I give you an actual ring" she started off.

    "It's still like a promise ring though cause I promise to always be by your side if you need it or not and that I'll always love you" she finished. I stood up and walked in front of her pulling her into a passionate kiss. It didn't last long but it was truly beautiful. "I love you too and any gift is the best if its given by you" I said with tears streaming down my face now. She quickly wiped the tears away and smiled at me.
    "Let's get to bed now" she said which I happily agreed to.

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