Chapter 12

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Louise's POV

We climb back on the boat pretty quick, we know things are about to get serious. I go downstairs, or down below as I've learnt it should be called on boats. Everybody is huddled around the navigation table except for Pegasus, he is way too big to fit and I guess he must be circling around the boat,

"OK good, you guys are here. We need your opinions and we need you as interpreters for Pegasus. Much as he is the most powerful horse in existence, even he can't communicate complex battle plans though body language and he can't land on the ship."

I can't resist it and ask shrugging "any idea how to kill a sea monster?"

"Nope. The forest is more my thing. Sapphire over there is a sea nymph though, he knows more about sea monsters than I do. I'm sure Pegasus has fought a few in his time as well."

Sapphire comes forward. She looks ordinary except her eyes are slightly too blue to look natural on a human and if you look closely, her dark hair has an indigo tinge. She sits and says "sea monsters, in my opinion, are adapted to fight from the water so their undersides are just as armoured as their upper sides. However, there are protected from the water but like all creatures eyes, are incredibly delicate. In fact, I would say a water dragon's eyes are even more delicate because they are designed to let water run off them easily. It's usually blessed by Poseidon which is why I'm a little surprised that it is our main advisory right now. The best thing to do will be hit it from all angles. Air nymphs a few of you will be in the air but I need some of you in the boat to direct its sails. We can't be stuck without movement. That in this fight would be dangerous. Can I and my fellow Oceanids among us have permission to make contact with others of our kind? I'm sure they would be happy to help us protect their homeland."

"But of course. Those of us that are land based seem not to have much point in this fight."

At this, I throw up my hands "you're all good archers right?"

"But of course, I am the goddess of archery. Do you think I would lead my attendant without something in my skillset?"

"Well, could you hit a sea monster from land? I mean if it was above water of course? There's a beach on this island called Osbourne bay, if we could bring the sea dragon in close we could shoot it. I'm sure you could hit its eyes."

"Say no more." The goddess of archery responds.

Ellla is happy to let me be the spokesperson. She's always been happier with horses than people and as we finalise the idea, she becomes Pegasus' interpreter, passing his ideas on to the group. The only thing she insists on for herself is that we are not split up. I know she is worried about this and frankly I am too. We need each other to feel brave. Fortunately, the plan is for us to be with the air nymphs. My basketball will certainly annoy it and I have to say I've got a taste for slam dunking monsters after the chimera. I'm sure Ella and Pegasus will work on weapons of their own.

After the council of war, I pull my phone out and look at the texts I've been sent from everybody. My friends have been texting me, asking if Ella and I are free, I tell them no and that something came up but I cannot afford to tell them anymore than that for obvious reasons. I feel that if I told that that I was on the Isle of Wight with a magical flying horse, they would quite reasonably never believe me. It make me wonder whether I'll ever have time for something as normal as hanging out with my friends anymore or whether I will even return from this anymore. The chimera scared me enough and see the monster will be even larger. We have a goddess backing us up but still, part of me wonders if it's enough.

The thought of potentially never seeing my family and friends again is one I have never considered during this entire journey and now it has entered my head, I know I won't be able to get rid of it in a hurry but it also fuels my determination to throw everything I can at David Ridley and his menagerie of monsters. I would even fight minions if it meant keeping the world safe. I know this is an experience that will stay with me, for better or for worse. I see Ella coming towards me and I realise that I will have something not even Bellerophon can claim to have; my other half, the ying to my yang, the wonder to my cynicism. My sister.

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