Chapter 16

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Louise's POV

My sister and I have no idea what we're doing and I can't help but think of the divination class in Harry Potter. We sit a few metres from each other and try to find a comfortable position. I shut my eyes and pull down in to my instincts from Poseidon, letting my body roll with the waves but also tracing the path that brings me down to him. Finding the off-cuts and shoots, feeling down them, knowing instinctively what I have to do. Moving through my ancestors and feeling through my father's strongest connection that my sister is doing them same.

We reach out to another strong connection – a living descendant of Bellorophon who is close to us, interested in our whereabouts and actively aware of his connection to his ancestor if not to us. It's easy to tap in to the crazy mind that is David Ridley. Less easy to find the information we want without alerting him to our presence. In the end it's just a swirl of impressions. We feature heavily along with Pegasus, injured pride and the idea of using beasts that can fly and causing a lot of destruction, we have our thoughts confirmed. We know what he is focusing on. We draw away before he is aware of our presence. Pegasus, through his own mind-link has joined us in our journey in to his head and is able to make more sense of it than I can.

"Stymphalian birds will need make a lot of noise, they don't like that otherwise they are indestructible. He'll have something else as well, many something elses. Pegasus nods "He knows were not to be messed with. I got some hints of some other stuff but I'll need to look through my memories to figure it out. You'd better look through the mythology book to see if anything strikes you as familiar. We'll need all the information we can get."

"Alright" Ella suggests "I'll see Artemis and you can buy a book on Greek myths in town. Try to buy one that is fairly comprehensive."

Ella gets up and goes downstairs where she knows Artemis is waiting. I stand as Pegasus swoops down and land gently on deck. I climb on to his back ready for another shopping trip.

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