Chapter 7

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I feel uncomfortable under Luca's gaze. He's been staring at me since I came home and sat down at the island in the kitchen. His stare only intensified when I told him the details that Jones left out. The uneasy feeling running through my entire body has me feeling like I'm about to be interrogated for what I did, not knowing for sure if I did the right or wrong thing. I can't tell if Luca's angry at what happened or grateful that Nadia has finally seen that it's more than just himself she's messing with now.

Either way, I wish he would say something to me instead of standing across from me looking with no expression showing on his face as to how he's feeling.

"Aren't you going to say something?" I glance at Nick and Jane for some help but they're busy making dinner to take notice of how still and quiet Luca is. I know they can hear our conversation and are choosing not to get involved – yet. "I mean, the things she said-"

"If I could get away with it, I would personally kill her." Luca finally says, cutting me off. His hands grip the edge of the worktop and he shakes his head before pushing away from the island. He groans in frustration. "She's deluded. She's actually that fucking gullible!"

"Luca, language." Nick reminds with a nod of the head upstairs to where Louisa is doing her homework.

"What else can I say when my ex is a deluded bitch?" Luca fires back at his dad without realising how angry he's becoming. "She's duped herself into thinking that the one meeting we had in my office went well. She thinks we're on good terms and that she's always been a part of Louisa's life when she hasn't. Everything she has told Kaylee's boss is built on lies."

"I know but you need to be wary as to how you act when it comes to this topic. Louisa may be young but she's very smart for her age like you were at that age. She'll easily pick up on everything that's happening and being said about Nadia."

"You can't expect me to let this go easily. She's sprouting things that are untrue and damaging to my family and it's-"

"Provoking you which is exactly what she's wanting," Nick finishes. He tastes the sauce he's busy making and nods. "You need to be in a clear headspace for Monday which is why I'm advising you to spend the weekend with your family. It will give you a clearer mind and it will calm you down."

Luca folds his arms over his chest and looks down at the floor. "Are you saying that as my father or as a lawyer?"

"Both. Mainly as your father, though."

"And I'm telling you as your mother," Jane starts, moving to stand next to her son, "to take a moment to think about your responses to Nadia's lawyers when they ask you things."

"My lawyers have already told me that," Luca sighs.

"Good." She looks at me before stepping closer to Luca and lowering her voice. "On Monday morning, come to my office and I'll go through some techniques you can use to keep yourself in the right mind-set."

He looks at her and flashes her a brief smile. "Thank you."

Jane returns his smile and pulls at him to lower down so she can kiss his cheek. "I'll fit you into the diary." She turns to me. "My offer to talk to yourself still stands. I know we're talking mainly about Luca and how it's impacting him and his business but it's impacting on you, too."

"Mother, we spoke about this." Luca moves to stand next to me. "Don't bring-"

"I'm merely just mentioning it." She holds her hands up in defence. "My office door is always open to family. It's something to think about."

"Thank you, Jane. I'll keep that in mind."

I look up at Luca and he kisses my forehead, his hands running back and forth over my shoulders.

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