Chapter 21

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I've lost count the number of times I've seen Luca change his suit this morning. It started with a simple black suit then it went to dark grey, light grey, back to black, and now it's navy. Then the question was whether or not he goes for a two-piece or a three-piece suit. The only thing he hasn't changed is his white shirt and even I'm surprised that hasn't been changed yet.

"I don't see why you're going to this much trouble," I yawn.

I lounge back on the bed against the mountain of pillows Luca piled up behind me as soon as I woke up this morning. I told him they were too many but he was having none of it. All the complaining I did about the pillows soon faded away when Luca started walking back and forth at the foot of the bed in nothing but a towel that suddenly changed to a fashion show of suits. I certainly wasn't complaining then and I'm not complaining now as he walks past in the two-piece suit version of the navy suit he's finally settled on wearing.

"It's a big day," he mutters, not wanting to go on more after the deal we made last night.

I shrug. "Still."

He lifts his shirt collar to do up his blue tie, then folds it back down. "I want this whole thing over and done with sooner rather than later."

"And it will be," I agree. I slip out the bed and walk to him and fix his tie. "Try and not think of it too much."

I run a hand down his neatly tied tie and smile.

"What are you thinking about?" He queries softly.

I glance at him. "Just about what I'm going to do today without you here."

"I'd say you could go shopping but Jones is up in court this morning," he says.

"I know. I've still got my boss to call to check in with her so I may do that and go for a walk or something."

He gives me a questioning look.


"Have you not seen the horrible weather outside?" He nods to the windows and looks out at the city. It's dull and the raindrops that fall down the windows has me shrugging. "If only you had someone to keep you company then I'd feel somewhat better for leaving you on your own."

"I know but I'm not in London anymore," I point out.

"Maybe see if Jade can come by and take you out later," he suggests.

"Or you can call Fredrick and invite the two of them over for dinner after you're finished at court."

"Hmm, I could but Fredrick and I have a late business meeting with a couple of board members so I won't be back until late."

I sulk. "Fine." I push him away which has him smiling. "Just go and leave me to my own devices as they say. I'll just have to find something to do on my own."

"Have fun whatever it is you end up doing," he smiles. He steps back to me and places a kiss on the top of my head. "I'll ask Fredrick to arrange a day for us all to fly out to Los Angeles to see the vineyard."

"You do that while I do fuck all here all day."

"You're an event planner," he starts, walking backwards towards the bedroom door, "start planning our wedding or do whatever it is you'd normally do when at the beginning of the wedding planning stage."

He winks at me and walks out of the bedroom.

"Our wedding is something I want to plan with my mum and you," I call to him.

"Then use my computer to look for ideas," he calls back.

The sound of the front door opening and closing echos through the apartment then silence. I huff and turn to the bathroom.

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