Chapter 12

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I'm pacing the living room later that night, staring down at my phone waiting for either Allison or Luca to call me. The last message I got from Allison said that she was fine and that she was on her way home with Myles driving her there. The last time I heard from Luca was in the car before he had to go into court.

Other than that, I haven't heard anything else from anyone.

I only stop pacing when I hear someone walk into the living room. I look at Jones and Lyla who are standing side-by-side at the doorway.

"Miss. Fletcher," Jones begins, clasping his hand together in front of him, "I have now spoken to both Carlo and Mr. Madden."

"And?" I press.

I'm sick of not knowing what's happening. I need to know what's going to happen next and where I stand with whatever the plan is going forward. I didn't even have anything for dinner over the worry of not knowing what's going to happen next. That's how worried I am.

"I have been advised to tell you that you are not to leave the premises unless it's necessary."

"And if it is, Jones has to drive you." Lyla adds.

I glare the two of them. "And what? Have I to be a prisoner in this place until I go back to America?"

Jones and Lyla share a look with each other that I can't place before looking back at me.

"If you wish to leave for whatever the reason, I will be escorting you." Jones reiterates.

"Miss. Nash has been informed of this and she is all too happy for Myles to be driving her around for the time being." Lyla says.

"I doubt that," I scoff.

"It's for both of your safety's."

"It's also non-negotiable," Jones finishes.

Jones and Lyla turn and start walking away. I shake my head and rest my hands on my hips. If they want to try and treat me like a prisoner, I'm not going to stand for it. I should be doing things to take my mind off of all the crazy things that are happening, not going crazy doing nothing.

"I'm going out on Friday night," I announce, causing them both to stop walking and turn back to look at me. I nod with raised brows. "I've made plans with Allison to go and see my gran and I would like to be able to drive there for myself."

"That is not an option," Jones says firmly.

"And I don't care whether it's an option or not. If I'm not going to be going anywhere tomorrow, I'll be going out the following day which just so happens to be Friday night with my best friend."

"Then I will be driving you." Jones repeats as if I didn't hear him the first time he said it.

"No, you won't." I walk towards them. "I'll be driving myself. Follow us closely if you wish but I'm driving myself."

"Miss. Fletcher," Lyla starts.

I hold up a hand and she stops speaking. "Clearly, Luca thinks it's best for me to be hauled up in here like a prisoner but that is something I'm not."

"We never said you were," Lyla says softly.

"I came home to spend time with my family and best friend, and that is something I'm going to do." I push past them and head for the stairs. "So I suggest you tell Luca to build a bridge and get fucking over it. He's in New York and I'm here in London. There's nothing he can do to change that when he's needed more over there than he is here."

I walk up the stairs without looking back at them.

If they're going to treat me like I'm a prisoner in a place I should feel at home in, I'll play their game. I simply won't let them treat me in such a way that makes me feel like I can't do anything without someone being there.

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