Chapter 22

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Jane's eyes widen at my confession and she lets me go, taking a step back with a single finger raised and her mouth open. "You're-"

I hang my head in shame.

I can't believe I just did that. Out of all the people I could have told my pregnancy news to, I go and blurt it out to Jane. I so badly wanted it to be Luca but I needed Jane to shut up and I picked the one thing that has well and truly done the trick.

"Jane," I start, looking back up at her but she shakes her head.

"No," she cuts off firmly. "Just no." She walks to her desk and stares down at it long and hard. "How far along?"

"Six weeks," I whisper.

"Six weeks," she repeats. She turns to look out the window that's behind her desk. "Does Luca-"

"No," I say quickly, knowing fine well what she was going to ask me. If Luca knew about the baby, I wouldn't be leaving his sight. He'd do almost anything to make sure I was okay and that I was getting everything I need. He'd go into overdrive with the protectiveness and I'd be going insane by now. "Jane, he doesn't know and I'm begging you to not tell him before I get the chance to do so."

She scoffs. "What do you seriously take me for, Kaylee? I may be many things but inconsiderate of something this delicate isn't one of them."

"Jane, just promise me that you won't tell him. Please."

I walk to her desk and wait patiently for her response.

"Your secret is safe with me," she assures.

I breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

"But you need to leave," she adds, turning and moving to sit at her desk.

I frown.

"You're talking about leaving your office, right?"

She shakes her head. "The country."

I take a step back in confusion.

Why would I need to leave the country? Why would I leave Luca's side at such a crucial point in the trial when he needs me the most? Why are the words even coming out of her mouth?

"I know what you're thinking and I wouldn't even suggest it if I wasn't thinking of your safety and my grandchild's safety," Jane explains calmly. Her attention falls to her computer screen. "I will book you on the next flight out of the country so you can return home but you need to be discreet with your departure."

"Jane," I start but my voice goes unheard.

"You need to keep a low profile for the time being. Don't pack anything that will cause people to look twice at you. If I can book you in a first-class seat, I will. If I can't, I'll try for business."

"Jane," I say louder but she doesn't listen.

"If that fails, it will just have to be economy. I'd suggest staying with your parents for your own safety because no one knows where they stay. Staying with your best friend will only draw attention to the two of you and because there is still no news on the people who crashed into you, it-"

"Jane!" I shout, finally getting her attention.

She blinks up at me.

"That's all fine saying and doing those things but I need to know why I need to leave."

"Kaylee, Luca is giving his evidence today then it will be Nadia's turn. Depending on what Lua says and what she says, this case can go either way. If Nadia loses, she could very well be out for revenge against Luca and she knows you're one of his main weaknesses. Taking you out of his life would be her version of payback for her not getting her way."

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