Chapter 31

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I recall everything to Jane, some things being easier than others to say. She doesn't interrupt me when I say things even though I'm expecting her to say something whenever I stop to take a breath. She doesn't flinch at the things I say or pass judgement. She simply sits in the chair like she did when I went to see her in her office back in New York.

"And that's when the police came in and arrested them." I take a final, deep, relieved breath as I finish speaking. I blink away the tears that have formed in my eyes and shake my head despite the slight twinge of pain I have there. "It's just . . . the things they did to not only me but to everyone else . . . their own family, my friends, my co-workers . . . I just don't see how people can do things like that just so they can get something they want."

Jane clears her throat and presses her lips together. "I know it can be hard to comprehend not only the things that you witnessed but also the things that happened to you, and sadly there are people in this world who do the things have happened. As to why they do those things and almost get enjoyment out of it, I can't answer that completely."

"Not that smart, then, Jane." I scoff.

She gives me a serious look but it fades as she looks down at her notebook.

"From what you've told me and from what I've heard from Allison, it would seem like they were each out for revenge."

"But why? What can they seriously gain from hurting others?"

"To right the wrongs that have happened to each of them over the years."

"Which explains all the family members, Allison and myself, but not the people I work with. Jackie and Oscar only worked for Nadia to plan her wedding then she hired the three of us to plan a birthday party for Louisa that was clearly all made up in her mind."

Jane frowns and stops writing in her notebook, a frown clearly visible on her face. "So she was already planning a party for her daughter's birthday despite the fact that, at the time, there was no court ruling for her to get custody?"

I nod and her frown fades before she jots down the information I've just given her. Hopefully, that information will go a long way in the court case that will start against her for what she has done to everyone. I don't see the importance of it but it must be something of interest for Jane to want it clarified so she gets it right for her notes.

"It was like she was delusional," I go on once Jane has finished writing. "She seemed to think that everything was going to go in her favour and that everyone else was in the wrong if they corrected her. Saying that, the moment her plan hit a bump in the road, she turned."

"Turned? In what way?"

"Aggressive with her words. Agitated. Border lining violent but never quite getting there until she knew the other person would be in no fit state to retaliate and win. Hence, why I'm lying in a hospital bed."

"Would you say she had violent tendencies?" Jane asks, looking at me with a raised brow. "Would you say that the words she used and the manner in which she used them, they were to be seen as a threat before she followed through with them?"

"I . . . I think each of the things they all said to all of us was said to make us scared of them."

"So you wouldn't react?"


"Did anyone react to their threats?" I tilt my head to the side and she nods with her lips pressed together. "I see." She holds a hand up to apologise for the question. "Stupid question for an obvious answer."

She doesn't ask anything else, only writes away in her notepad until the room door opens and Nick comes in. I greet him with a small smile to which he returns as he comes to a stop at the bottom of the bed.

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