Chapter 24

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Slipping my phone in my bag, I move quickly into the waiting room to stand near the fireplace. I can feel Greg's eyes burning holes into my back and I know it's because he's angry. He'll no doubt want answers regarding Allison and I won't be giving them to him. I'd rather argue with him and risk drawing attention to us than tell him anything on my best friend.

"What can I do for you, Greg?" I ask, not bothering to turn and look at him as I speak.

"You know what I want to talk about," he responds in a crisp tone.

I shake my head. "Afraid I don't."

"You do and I would very much appreciate it if you looked at me as we speak. It's very ignorant of you to not look at the person to whom you're speaking to."

I groan to myself.

He's right which pains me to say. I was taught better than to not look at the person who is speaking to me, regardless of who they are and how I may feel towards them. That includes the dickheads who think they're better than the rest of us.

I inhale deeply and turn on the spot to face Greg, only to find him within touching distance of me. I stumble back to put more space between us but hit my back off the edge of the mantlepiece. I try to keep the look of pain off my face so he can't see it but the smirk on his lips is a clear sign that I've failed in keeping my pained expression to myself.

"Anyone would think that you're scared of me, Kaylee." He says with a tilt of the head. "Are you scared of me?"

I blink. "Not in the slightest."

It's a lie.

Of course, I'm scared of him after what he's been up to. He seems to think I don't know it's both him and Terence that's behind everything that's been happening to Allison and I. We know it's them and it's all because they don't like the word 'no' being said to them.

"Hmm, maybe you should be." He scoffs and takes a step back. "You most definitely should be."

He walks away from me completely, turning his back to me, and I finally breathe a sigh of relief I didn't quite know I was holding. I was so focused on being brave in front of him that I've completely forgotten to breathe.

"What do you want, Greg?" I bravely ask. I can hear the fear in my words and I know he can hear it, too.

"I've been trying to get in touch with Allison but I'm having no luck." He turns back to look at me. "Now, I know for a fact that you'll be in touch with her because of that stupid relationship you have with her."

"It's called a friendship which is something you don't seem to have with anyone," I snap back.

"I'd quit with the attitude you've got going on, Kaylee. It doesn't suit you."

I narrow my eyes at his comment. "Push the wrong buttons with me and you'll soon find out what really suits me."

He scoffs. "Gotten a little feistier since we last saw each other, haven't you? Or is that what comes with the ring that's on your finger?"

"Care to come closer and I'll show you what comes with it?" I clench my left hand into a fist and wait for his response. "Like I said, don't get on my bad side."

"You say you don't want me to push you to your bad side and the same goes for mine. Don't want to push me to my bad side."

"I've already seen your bad side." I fire back as a correction. "I just question whether or not you have any good bones in your body."

"Depends on who I'm with," he comments with a smirk.

"Or it depends on the time of the day and your mood. Every time I've seen you, you've been a nasty git who throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his way."

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