Chapter Two

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 Elrond sat in his daughter's room, admiring how much she had matured from all those long years ago. Now, instead of a young elfling, sat before him was a beautiful young woman. Her hair was dark and long, curling ever so slightly around her face. Her grey eyes shone with a sort of mischievous light--just like her mother's used to. She had become more graceful and poised, just like her father.

"Ada," Arwen smiled up at father when she saw him watching her. "Is something the matter?"

"No, Arwen. I was just thinking about how much you have grown. You are close to becoming of age."

"Yes, I have grown up a bit, haven't I?" Arwen smiled and stood from where she had been reading her book previously. "Shall we go for a walk in the gardens?"

Before Elrond could answer, a knock on the door cut him off.

"You may enter," Arwen said, turning towards the door.

A messenger walked in, bowing his head towards Arwen then turning to Elrond. "My Lord Elrond, a bird has arrived with a message for you, if you would come and receive it."

Arwen watched as the messenger stepped towards Elrond and whispered something in his ear. Elrond's face grew grim, his eyebrows knit together in worry. He nodded gravely and turned back to his daughter. Already she knew that he would not walk with her.

"I must go, Arwen. I have been expecting this message for awhile."

Arwen nodded, casting her eyes to the ground at her feet. "I will be in the gardens," she said, barely masking her disappointment.

Arwen looked up and watched her father and the messenger leave the room. She sighed, then left for the gardens.


Legolas was glad to finally be of age. He had waited for it a long time--ever since he was a small child. He had always looked forwards to the freedoms that he would gain with age, thinking he could do whatever he wished whenever he wanted. That wasn't exactly true, but he was able do to most of what he wanted with his free time.

And most of what he wanted to do was spend time in the forest. He still loved the feeling of running through it and hiding in the shadows, or climbing trees or hunting for food. Ever since he was little he had loved the forest. And because of that ardent love and all the time he spent in it, he was the best hunter and warrior in Mirkwood. It was no mere thing to challenge him in any type of combat, whether it was hand-to-hand, archery, or knives and swords. He bested every elf that ever dared to challenge him.

But even with all his new-found freedom, he also had many responsibilities and duties since he was a prince destined to one day be the Elvenking.

As for today, he was stuck inside the halls of his home with nothing to do but attend meetings or sit in his room. His father had ordered him to stay put for the remainder of the week. He had no idea why he had to stay inside, but his father had promised him a reason as soon as possible.

Legolas sighed for the millionth time that hour, tapping his fingertips on the armrests of his chair. He shifted slightly to look out the window, trying to distract himself from the boring meeting he was currently sitting through. He felt fidgety and restless and couldn't concentrate on a word that was spoken to him.

"Prince Legolas? Your Highness?"

Legolas looked away from the window and towards the owner of the voice who had spoken his name. "My apologies. What was that?"

"The meeting is adjourned. You are free to go, Your Highness."

Legolas nodded in reply, pulling himself gracefully out of his chair. Now was his chance to get some fresh air. His father was gone and wasn't to be expected back until much later that night--long after the moon had risen. So it was reasonable to say the he wouldn't notice his son's absence for an hour or two, right?

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