Chapter Six

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Legolas did not like the idea at all. He cast a sideways glance over at Arwen to see how she felt about the whole ordeal.

"I understand, father," she said, her voice and face void of any emotion.

Honestly, Legolas would prefer to spend the day by himself, but after yesterday he didn't want to cause any more conflict between him and his father.

Since yesterday, he had realized that the impending war was more serious than he had thought; it had kept him up all night thinking about it. His determination to keep his kingdom safe was stronger than his resent for what he had to do. Though he thoroughly disagreed with it, he was taught that his kingdom came first; and it seemed as if he was still learning this as well as how to control his feelings and emotions.

Hopefully spending the whole day with Arwen wouldn't be too bothersome. She did seem like she was kind, but that didn't change anything. Since it was both of their father's wishes though, he decided it was best to go along with it.

Elrond waived them off, Arwen taking the lead as they left. Legolas followed right behind her and watched as her long, dark hair swept side to side.

"Where are we going?" Legolas asked after following her for a while.

Arwen shrugged, "I do not know, your highness."

"Well, then, perhaps I should lead the way."

"No, your highness, I can. I will find somewhere in time. I just do not know where you would want spend time at."

Legolas thought for a minute, thinking about where he liked to stay at home. "Anywhere outside."

Arwen nodded her head, not looking back at him as she continued onward.


Arwen had cried herself to sleep the night before. The feeling of hopelessness was sinking deeper and deeper into her. As she and Legolas walked along the corridors to find somewhere to spend the whole day together, the feeling was back.

Even though that feeling was strong, logical thinking had taken over in the past two days. Her kingdom had always come first, she knew that. But, she had never expected something like this required of her. And in all honesty, she had never been prepared for something like this. The suddenness of it had shocked her so badly that she had not reacted properly, but neither had Legolas.

He reacted worse, yelling at his father in front of strangers. Arwen couldn't imagine ever doing something like that, even if she was upset. She knew that she shouldn't have even cried when she learned what was going to happen. But, alas, she had let her emotions take control.

 Arwen blinked a few times as the sunlight hit her face. It was nice to be outside, even if she had to spend her time out here with Legolas. Though she supposed that it was probably best to get to know him better. 

 She led him onward, finding a stone bench to sit on. She sat down first, patting the spot next to her, indicating that he should sit with her.

 Legolas sat down. Arwen squirmed slightly, unsure of what to say or how to start a conversation. 

 "It is a beautiful day today," she finally said after moments of silence. 

 "Yes, it really is." 

 The silence growing between them became uncomfortable. There was nothing forming in her brain that she could say to ease the tension.

 Arwen glanced over at Legolas who was looking around at the nature that surrounded them. He was completely relaxed right now, unlike her who was stiff and uncomfortable. But she was okay with that, as long as he was happy. 

 Legolas turned his head and caught her watching him. She quickly looked away, her cheeks heating up with embarrassment. 

 "Is something wrong?" he asked her, noticing the color rising in her face, tinting the bridge of her nose and her cheeks pink.

 She shook her head rather briskly. "No, nothing, your highness. I was, uh, thinking and staring off, that is all."

 Out of the corner of her eye, Arwen saw Legolas turn back to nature. "You do not have to call me that. Call me by my name."

 Arwen let out a short breath, glad that the subject was changed. "Perhaps we should find something else to do?" she suggested.

 Legolas nodded in reply.


 The day passed slowly for the pair. When it was nearing its end, and as sun sunk in the distance leaving traces of warm pinks and oranges throughout the sky, Legolas sat beside Arwen watching. 

 It was a beautiful sight; one that he wished he could see more often. Back in Mirkwood, the trees were to dense to see the last few seconds of the sun. He could climb a tree to get a better view, but there was no point. His father would become angry if he did so, telling him that a prince should not climb trees.

 As they sat together in silence, Legolas thought over the day that had passed. If he was being completely honest, he had quite enjoyed it, though it was rather awkward and uncomfortable at first. The only thing that had been going on in his head was the thought that what he was doing now would majorly help or destroy his Kingdom. After sitting outside in nature for awhile, he had felt a bit more relaxed

 And he still felt relaxed. But he wasn't sure if Arwen felt the same. She had seemed tense all day, acting formal all the time; calling him 'your highness' whenever she addressed him, though he told her to just call him by his name many times throughout the day.

 As last few rays of light disappeared, Arwen stood up and brushed her dress off.

 "It was a lovely day today, your highness. But I am rather tired and am going to get some rest. Goodnight," Arwen said while curtsying slightly.

 "I told you, you can call me by my name," he said, standing up from his seat. "Goodnight and thank you for your company. I will see you in the morning." 

 He then grabbed her hand, pulling it to his lips. He gently placed a kiss on her knuckles, looking into her eyes before he left. Her cheeks were once again tinted a light pink as he let go of her hand and strode off to his chambers.


 I honestly have no excuse for why this came out so late. I've just been super lazy I guess. But I promise I'll try to update more regularly, but don't expect to much of me ;)

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