Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up before Taylor came to wake me up because I had to go to the bathroom. I REALLY had to go to the bathroom. But when I did I felt my face get red hot, I looked down into the toilet and my disgusting suspicions were confirmed. I'd just had diarrhea. Even though we all snickered at the word diarrhea when we were younger, the real thing sucked.

My first reaction was not to tell Taylor, I was thinking about my thoughts yesterday on how comfortable or not comfortable I was with her. Was I comfortable enough to be like "I just had diarrhea"?

What was I thinking? Yes I was comfortable with that, and thinking about it now I was comfortable with almost anything round Taylor, I'd lived with her long enough. My panic attack from last night now seemed silly, I felt secure around Taylor for the most part, and I knew she'd always be there for me.

But I still didn't want to tell her about the diarrhea. Mostly because I actually wanted to go to school, I had friends now, and it was the second week, how could I miss? I was pondering this while still sitting on the toilet. I heard Taylor's footsteps coming up the stairs and at the same time I noticed that my hands were incredibly shaky. Actually my whole body was shaky. I heard Taylor walk into my room then walk back out, calling my name.

"Hmmm?" I said back.

"Are you in the bathroom?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said, then heard her go back downstairs. I stayed on the toilet because I felt more coming, this would be a long day if I went to school, but I really didn't want to miss it. 10 minutes later Taylor came back up the stairs and stood outside of the bathroom door.

"Care, are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

"What are you doing in there?" She asked after a pause.

"Going to the bathroom." I said and then I saw the door knob slowly turning. Taylor's head peeked in through the slightly opened doorway.

"What's wrong?" She asked when she saw me shaking. I shrugged. She looked at me suspiciously and then shut the door again. 5 minutes later I was in my room getting dressed when Taylor came back up again.

"Were you having diarrhea in there?" She said right away, gesturing to the bathroom. I was kind of shocked that she knew right away, so I didn't answer immediately. She was looking at me fiercely and I knew she would tear me apart if she found out I lied to her.

"Kind of, I guess." I said trying to sound nonchalant about it.

"Kind of? You guess?" She said more harshly than I expected. I watched her as she eyed my shaky body.

"Just lay back down, you're not going to school." She told me in a voice that made tears well in my eyes, Taylor didn't usually get mad at me.

"Taylor, it's only the second week I'd school, I can't miss." I told her as calmly as I could without breaking down in tears.

"You're going to miss." She said as she swiftly shut my door and headed downstairs.

"I'm fine." I called after her, my voice finally cracking. I didn't know how today would go, she was supposed to drop me off at school and then head straight to the airport. She would be in New York for the day, but then be back in Nashville by 11 to tell me goodnight. I didn't understand why she wouldn't jut stay for a couple of days and take me with her, she did own an apartment there. Then again she always says she likes to have me in Nashville because there aren't any paparazzi.

I reluctantly laid back down in my bed, trying to cover myself with a lot of blankets. But soon I realized that I wasn't shaky because I was cold, I was just shaky. Soon Taylor unexpectedly waltzed into the room and sat beside me, on the edge of my bed.

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