Chapter VIII

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I can't stop running.

Where am I going..?

I begin to running faster. Faster and faster, until my heart begs me to stop. I immediately begin to cough, and take in large amounts of air.

I feel like I'm dying... who am I kidding.. I am..

I look around to see where I'm at. I'm in front of the ice cream parlor again. My heart begins to race, and I continue to cough. The cold air numbs my hands.

Why is it always so cold..?

I place my hands over my mouth and begin warming them.


My head turns toward the window, it's dark, but a sudden shadow-like figure is seen. I take a couple steps back, in hopes I'm not noticed.

Run.. keep running.

My legs begin to tremble again.

I'm so tired..

The shadow-like figure comes closer and closer until, the door is opened.

"Who's out there?" A voice asks. It's familiar.

I try holding my breath, but my lungs ache from the cold air, and I let out a loud gasp.

"I can hear you." The voice says.

Just run..

I slowly come out of the shadows.. it's the guy from earlier. It's the ice cream guy..

His eyes begin to scan mine, he can see my tiredness.

Don't talk.

"What're you doing out here so late? Came back for seconds?" he laughs. I don't.

I remain mute, the air makes it hard to breathe, hard to speak.

His face looks worried. I take a couple steps back again. "Hey.. Are you okay?" he asks In a concerning tone. My breathing becomes heavier, my trembling grows stronger.

"I don't bite" he says

I don't trust..

"You look tired."

I am..

"Where's your companion from earlier? She your sister?" he asks.

In my room hopefully..

I want to talk.. I want to scream, and run, and never stop. My entire chest aches.

The ice cream guy leaves the door open, and turns the lights on. "When you're ready, I'll be inside" he smiles and retreats inside.

What the hell do I do.. I can't run back.. I can barely move, much less run.

I hesitate for a while, I stand in front of the ice cream parlor, deciding whether or not to enter.

It's so cold.. what choice do I have? it's better than going home..

I no longer hesitate, and take a step inside.

It's warm..

My chest stops aching, and my trembling fades away.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.

I shake my head, there's no way I can eat right now.

I keep walking until I'm halfway through the room, my heavy breathing and coughing are gone too.

Who is this guy..?

"I'm Aaron" he says.


"Alondra" I whisper.

I shouldn't be here.. I shouldn't have told him my name.

"Alondra" he smiles, "I like it".

I need to go.

"So, Alondra, tell me" he continues. "Why are you out here so late?".

Why the hell should I tell you? For all I know, you're probably some creep.

"No reason" I lie.

"No reason" he repeats.


"I need to go" I stutter. My trembling begins coming back. I begin heading for the door, when thunder begins to shake the ground.

"Out in the rain? He asks.

"I don't mind it" I say.

I hate thunder so much..

"Your trembling says otherwise. You can stay here until the raining stops" he says. "Until then, let's chat" he smiles. Chat?.. who do you think you are..

I take a deep breath... I look outside the window and see the rain pour against the glass, the droplets gliding down the glass, as if it were a race.. I always saw it as a race..

Aaron goes into the back, and comes out with a strawberry milkshake. "You look tired, drink some of this" he places the milkshake on the table. I sigh, and brush my fingers through my hair. Okay.. but just for a little bit.

I walk over to the table, and sit down, Aaron joins me.

"So that girl with you earlier, she your sister?" he asks.


I don't answer, instead, I take large sips of my milkshake. I savor the sweet strawberry flavor. The sweet coldness runs down my throat like butter.. it feels nice, calming in a way.

"You like strawberry?"

I ignore him once again, and continue to indulge in my milkshake. And finally, my delicious drink comes to an end.

"Why?" I ask.

He doesn't have to ask me what I mean by that question. "You just look like you need a friend" he says, giving me a warm smile.

I give him a sad laugh, "I have no friends."

It's silent. He stares at me, but his face looks calm. He doesn't have the eyes of pity or sadness. Instead, they're warm. Almost welcoming.

"And why's that?" he asks.

I think of a good lie to tell him.. but there's no point. There never is.

"Because I don't need them."

"I find that hard to believe"

I bite on my lower lip and lower my head.

I don't...

The sound of rain droplets hitting the ground can no longer be heard. The raining's stopped. And so has our conversation.

"Thank you" I say, standing. "For giving me a place to stay and wait out the rain.. I need to go, it's getting late". Before he can say anything, I'm already out the door and in the streets... again.

I shouldn't have come in, I shouldn't have left.

I start walking, but instead of going home, I go to the park.

Sorry Jill... just wait a little longer, I'll be home soon..

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