Here's to the crazy ones

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When Kamino Ward happens, the students of Yuuei are given an ultimatum. They can move full time onto campus, where they will be monitored by 24 hour security and their moves will be constantly watched; or they can leave.

Izuku chooses to leave, to cut his losses and become something greater.

To the surprise of pretty much only him, the rest of class 1A chooses to join him.


Kamino Ward ends with a broadcast, a video that in the next few days will circulate the world and change what everyone knows about heroics. With Endeavor bumped up to number 1, the sudden loss of many top heroes unable to go straight back into hero work, and the strange silence from the underground as panicked investors who had been planning for a very different outcome were suddenly faced with a loss of work and customers, it's fair to saw that everyone spends the next few days in a lot of confusion.

However, UA is nothing if not paranoid.

They upgrade their security, then upgrade it again. The class full of students still in hospital are monitored constantly, and searches for a traitor double in the staff and students. The third years are called to work temporary security and patrols are increased tenfold. Entire buildings are created for the purpose of housing students when term starts again.

It seems excessive. It is.

Then house calls are made, and top of the list is Midoriya.

Aizawa is the one to visit Midoriya Inko. The problem is that this is the woman with the reckless, intelligent, analytical child who's chased villain fights all his life and is still only getting more harmed by the hero system. And this is not All Might, who can promise, on the back of decade of fanatic idolisation, to protect the world who loves him most.

No. This is the cynic, Aizawa Shota, who may have stood up for his students publicly against the press, but still has failed yet again to keep his students out of harm's way.

It's not his fault of course. But people always hate to see someone they love being hurt. And Inko has had enough of pain.

So she says no. No to UA, and no, it would seem, to Izuku ever being a pro hero.

Aizawa leaves, slightly more downtrodden, considering retiring from teaching at UA, and making the decision to continue the house visits tomorrow. Perhaps when All Might gets out the hospital it'll be easier for him to ensure even one student comes back, that the future is stable, but he doesn't think so.


When Inko tells Izuku the decision she's made, he cries. He can understand it - keeping books of hero statistics for years had made him scarily aware of the life expectancy for a pro hero. As quirkless, he knows he would never have stood a chance against the sort of villains you still see on TV. But still.

So that's why he'd researched first underground heroes, then vigilantes, and found out about the illegal agencies full of people without the flashy quirks it took to make it pro. He'd learned about their structures, the laws, what they really do and what he'd need to join, if his goal of Yuuei was never reached. Years of quirk analysis eventually paid off when against all odds, he got a quirk and had the chance to live his dreams, just for a short while.

So Izuku, after having his dreams crushed yet again, goes to his room to cry. And he sits there on his bed just for a moment, taking in the world as he's done before, when his eye catches on a flash of red and the scrawl of black pen, messy pages open on his desk from where he'd been hurriedly trying to find out anything about where Kacchan had been taken in his hundreds of notes about the underground he knows of.

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