Chapter 37

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Wilmer had Demi in the corner as he yelled at her. Demi was caught outside playing with Giovanni and Wilmer caught a fit. They wasn't allowed outside at all ever since Demi tried to run away.

"What did I say about you being outside?"

"Answer me!" Wilmer said slapping Demi in the face.

Demi held her cheek, not even looking at Wilmer. Wilmer grabbed Demi by her shirt slamming her back against the wall knocking the window out of her. Slapping her again, he wanted Demi to fear him, he wanted to break her down until she felt worthless. These beats wasn't new to Demi, she got them often if she did any little thing. When Giovanni started crying Demi went to move and get him but Wilmer wasn't having that.

" don't! Not in front of him please" Demi cried.

" you think I fucking care!?" Wilmer yelled.

" let me get him" tommy said.

"Back the fuck up! All of you get the hell out" Wilmer said to his guards.

" sir let us just take Giovanni" Sean said stepping in.

" he don't need to see this" he said.

" get the hell out or he's going to be seeing your dead body on the floor" Wilmer said.


" I'm sorry" tommy said cleaning Demi's face.

Demi didn't say anything.... she couldn't even if she tried, her jaw was hurting so bad.

" I sent the location. I can't stand to see you and Giovanni go through this any longer. I just need to get Gio from Wilmer" tommy said.

" thank you" Demi mumbled as more tears felled.


" fuck that I'm going tonight! I'm not waiting" Odell said.

" Odell it could be a trap" Katherine said.

" I'm not going another year without my wife and son. I got the information I'm going with or without a team" Odell said.

" just bring them back home safe" Katherine said.

Odell left out of Katherine's office going to round up his team.  Stepping in the training room he banged on the door loud for everyone to hear.

" I need everyone in this room to gear up now and don't waste time" he said before leaving to grab his gear.

" ok I put the coordinates in your watch just in case something happen to the gps. I fixed up your gun, you're going to love the extra parts I added" dexter said.

" thanks bro" Odell said.


"Bravo y'all take the west wing, Charlie y'all take the east wing. I'm going right in, at my cue we go in together" Odell said.

Odell wasn't leaving Mexico without his wife and son and he definitely wasn't leaving Wilmer alive either, he'll kill him just like he did with Victor.

" you gotta try to talk Demi or its going to be stiff" Sean said.

" I'm trying" she mumbled.

" it's not broke so that's good" he said.

Demi looked down as gio playing on the floor with the blocks he had. She couldn't wait to see Odell again, she just hope he comes soon.

"We're gonna head back out but call us if you need anything" tommy said. As soon as tommy opened the door he was hit in the face.

" don't fucking move" the guy said pointing the gun at Sean and tommy.

" no,no we was the ones that sent the address" tommy said.

" Beckham we found your wife and son" sky said.

" take them, I gotta find Wilmer" Odell said through the radio.

" tell him to check upstairs, it's a secret room just move the book shelf" Sean said.

Demi picked up her son grabbing her glasses and the camera she was using to record gio.

Odell didn't even need his whole team, Wilmer only had 5 guards. Odell knew Wilmer was still in the house and he wasn't leaving until he had him.


Demi was so anxious to see her husband again. She couldn't stop her leg from shaking as she sat on the plane. She started slowly moving her jaw to try and loosen it up a bit. They had cuffed tommy and Sean up so they wasn't allowed close to Demi.

"He's beautiful, look just like his dad" sky said looking at Gio in Demi's arms.

" thank you" Demi mumbled.

Sky seen Demi's facial expression every time she talked and she also noticed the bruising along her jaw. Sky went and found an ice pack for her.

" burn the house" Odell said.

They couldn't find Wilmer and there was no way he left out the house because someone from his team would have saw him. Odell stood outside while his team lit the furniture up. Odell watched as the house burned, he thought he heard screaming but he wasn't sure.

" let's get out of here" Odell said jumping in the van they came in.

Odell wanted wilmer's head but he hoped he burned alive in that house. Getting back to the plane Odell was the first out the van. Rushing on the plane tears formed in his eyes when he seen Demi sitting there. Demi ran right towards him sobbing in his arms.

" I missed you so much baby" Odell cried .

Demi held on to Odell tight as she sobbed. Odell's team watched as they reunited as they boarded the plane.

"It hurts for her to talk so you might want to get that checked out when we get to the headquarters" sky said.


A/N: this chapter was so fu.... I was being lazy af

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