Extra Chapter

121 8 0

[Forest in Falla Mountains]


"How familiar are you with the elements?" asked Alstif.

We're (All six of us) sitting on the grass paying attention to what Alstif and Melancholy are teaching me. Melancholy also decided to teach because she took a large interest in my magic affinity (I have a feeling this has more to do with her wanting to be with Alstif but I'm learning). Alstif still looks a bit hesitant to Melancholy but agreed to it anyway.

This was a special event where we all were going to be taught the basics of magic. The rest of the Nightcrawlers were at the guild house doing - what exactly do they do in their free time? - whatever they do. It was up to Alstif to teach us and he happily agreed.

"There are six elements. It is fire, water, earth, air, light and dark magic," answered Tay-ki.

"Very good, but those are only the primary elements."

We all looked at Alstif, confused to what he was saying. What does he mean primary elements?

"There are also secondary elements, tertiary elements and sub-elements," answered Tiara. She stood up while saying and had a bright smile on her face. Guess she was really glad to know the answer. Tay-ki was blushing. He was the smarter one between the two of us but it turns out the girl he likes is a genius compared to him. I have to rub it in later.

"Right. Today's lessons will be based on this. Now, let me first explain," then he explained it to us.

Sub-elements are abilities that could almost be elements but hasn't been proven with range of skill and spells to stand on it's own yet. Examples would be healing magic falling under light magic and telekinesis falling under dark magic. They have different uses but there isn't a large amount of different skills involved.

Secondary magic is a combination of two primary elements. Not everyone is able to do this because they're magic affinities need to be very strong for both elements for them to combine. Example would be ice magic, which is combination of water and air and lightning magic, which is combination of dark and light magic. I'm definitely going to practice these.

Tertiary is actually quite a large variety of magic that doesn't specifically fall under the elements. Everyone is able to do them (well, except humans but I'm a special case) but they take a lot of concentration. They include barrier magic, runes, circulatory magic and summoning spells. Use of grimoires and familiars are also a form of tertiary magic.

"Did everyone get that?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," answered William lazily from behind us. Even though Daichi made him less disrespectful during their week of training he's still a jerk when he feels like.

"What did yo-"


Alstif was about to say something but was interrupted by William yelling. He was holding his face and rolling around on the ground. Tiara was standing above him smirking. She actually hit.

"What the hell was that for?!" He yelled at her.

"You want another one?" She asked with an evil smile on her face (Why does this scene feel so familiar?). William visibly swallowed when he saw how she looked at him. He was afraid. The rest of us couldn't help but burst out laughing at their exchange. This only made William angrier.

"What are you guys laughing for? You think this is funny?? I'll fight al-"

"William, you're disturbing my class," said Alstif. He had quickly teleported to where William was standing and was now gripping one of his shoulders. William slowly turned to look at Alstif. Sweat was running down his head as he gave an awkward smile back to Alstif.

"R-Right..." He muttered.

"Very good. Let's continue," said Alstif happily as he walked away from William who had an angry look on his face. Alstif completely ignored him after that.

"Excuse me, miss Melancholy?"

"Yes, Sael?"

"Are you able to use a secondary element?"

"No. As far as I know, my sister is the only one here who is able to do it."

""" Really?? Cool!!""" All of us say excitedly.

Right on cue Malaya show up running in joy toward us. "I hear you guys are talking about me~" she says with a cute smile on her face. All the guys are looking at her like she was a majestic creature while all the girls were giving evil stares, except Eryville who was oblivious to the situation. Tiara elbowed Tay-ki in the stomach.

"What was that for??" He asked clutching his stomach.

"... Hmmmph." She folded her arms and looked away. She seems really angry now.

... So that's what it's about...

Tay-ki didn't reply after that and quietly sat down. He seemed to not understand the situation and did not know how to act. I can't blame him though, I probably would have dome the same in that situation.

Malaya finally reached us after her epic slow motion entrance. She didn't look tired at all and her tails were wagging happily as she stood there smiling. Alstif look exhausted and Melancholy was calmly watching what her sister was doing. Malaya then took a deep breath and began chanting. Her expression was much more relaxed but gave off a serious aura.

"Help me protect those that I hold dear to me with the power of Kumiho, <Snow Breath>," she said and the air around us became colder.

She took a deep breath and when she let it out she blew all of us away. Snow came out her mouth with strong winds and all of us flew away.



"What are you doing?!"

All of us shouted as we were flying away. The wind was as cold as ice and there was a mixture of snow in it. I could feel my toes going numb. Alstif just gave us the thumbs up and Melancholy was just analyzing the situation. She just has that 'I don't really care' atmosphere around her.

"Oops! Forgot to aim~" She was bowing in apology to all of us when we gave her cold stares. I landed on my feet and caught Eryville who was near me. When she opened her eyes and saw me holding her she turned red and jumped off of me. She quickly bowed in apologies in a fast motion and then covered he face while running away. I just stood there, confused as to what just unfolded. William was trying to start a fight with Malaya but Sael was holding the back of his shirt, sighing heavily. I wonder how many times this just I look around but I don't see Tay-ki and Tiara. There they are. Wait... Oh shit.

Tay-ki woke up and looked around him slowly until he noticed where he was. I immediately start laughing. He was lying on Tiara, but that's not the worst part.

"T-T-Ti-Tiara!" He was stuttering like crazy.

"Tay-ki," her eyebrow was twitching and her face was red,"What are you holding?"

That's when he noticed that he was holding her boobs. He quickly jumped up.

"I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry!" He slipped and fell on his but and was slowly moving away from her. She got up and rolled up her sleeves. A vein was popping out of her forehead.

"Tay-ki you idiot!" She ran towards him to punch him. He had no where to run and accepted his fate.

"No one can save him now..." Sighed Alstif as Tay-ki screamed apologies at his attacker.

"Rest in peace, buddy. I'll miss you."

The End



Yo guys.

Let me know what you think about me adding extra chapters to the story just to explain a few things before we move on or I mention but never explain it during the story. I'll try to explain as much as I can while also trying to make it seem more like a 'filler' to the story. And, as always:

Dream high and aim recklessly.


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