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Hey, everyone!

Now this was quite the adventure, wasn't it?

Even though I had somewhat of an idea that this was how I was going to end the book it still became difficult to write. I felt what the characters had been feeling as they went through the struggles that they had. I had to sit by and watch how Suzu had gotten beaten while writing how Hakio watched it happen (I'm serious when I say that tears had started flowing, and it wasn't the characters...).

The basic idea of the Last Arc was to introduce a villain who was "Worth The Hype". Not he was just Super OP dude and than the MC uses [Special Technique No. 2: PLOT ARMOUR!!], and fixes the problem. Nope, all the leads in this book got messed up in some way or another. This book was a clear indication of how being caught off guard is bad.

In all honesty, one of things I really didn't want to do was kill a character. Killing a character to me honestly felt like I had just taken a life. I felt so much guilt that I even had the idea to call the police on myself. It really is that difficult of a thing to do. But I also believe that it is stuff like that that challenge us as writers. That's why I made sure to emphasize just how much the death of someone can affect characters in a book.

1. Who was my favourite character to write about?

Whilst it was obvious that the characters you know the best are Hakio and Tay-ki, I really enjoyed writing about Eryville. The females in her family is pretty expressive. Her grandmother is an author, her mother is a painter and she is a poet. I honestly wanted to write more chapters focusing on her family and how they interact with one another. Even though she is half - devil, she was ideal symbolism for slice of life.

2. Who was my worst character to write about?

I think the most difficult would be the Chief. While most of the characters have clear motivations and are easy to understand I don't have a clear picture of the Chief yet. On one side he is traditional, stern and protective of the village. On the other he is cunning, sly and very secretive. I haven't a full grasp of his character yet, making him hard to explore.

3. Who is your favourite couple?

Kotomine and Bella Kai most definite. Those two always act like themselves around one another and the childishness in the way they argue even though they're long married shows just how well they get along. They are comfortable in each other's spaces.

4. Who is your most quirky character?

Lezebel. Do you even need to ask?

5. Who is your favourite character among the Nightcrawlers?

Lezebel wins for sure. But a close second is Mikasa. That little perv was really fun to write about.

6. What was your favourite moment to write in Origins?

When Eryville spoke to her Mamy about the fact that she does poetry. I honestly wanted to end the book but felt like I would be cheating the book out of something.

A close second would be the meeting with First King. 'A man who looks so normal and yet knows so much despair'. I feel a ways about it.

7. What was your worst scene to write in Origins?

The scene where Hakio spoke to the village elders and had a confrontation with his mother. My chest stung with that one.

When Mordred tortured Asmodeus almost became weird later. Not because of the scene itself, but I only realized a few weeks later, "Wasn't that sort if racist?". Asmodeus kept calling them furries

8. Who is your most surprising character?

William most definitely. He was just supposed to a jerk character, but somehow became relatable the more I learned about him. I really respect him now.

9. Who is your creepiest character?

Fugaku. He's a character that's genuinely nice to people. I mean, that's creepy as hell...

10. How is writing volume 2 going?

And that's all we have time for, see ya next time folks~

Thanks everyone for reading and supporting this book. I want to thank all my friends who read my work and supported me. I want to thank all of those who added my book to your reading lists. I want to say thanks to all of those who voted as well.

I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

This was quite the journey.

- Ankh

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