Chapter 53: Lucinda's Feelings Confirmed

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[Gamma Zone - Mist Forest]

[Tor'Ack Mar'Cus]

I'm meditating at the moment.

<Magic Sense> is a very convenient ability in the forest considering the fact that the deeper you go, the more your eyes deceive you. What makes it worse, is that these creatures get stronger and smarter as you go deeper towards the centre.

How to explain… I know!

From the centre of this "mist forest", there is an extremely large concentration of magical energy. I don't believe that there is any living being that can contain that much magical energy. If they could then I should be really terrified right now. Ha ha~

Anyways, the magical energy disperses from the centre and react with the ley lines in this area. That's what's causing this "magical mist" reaction. That also explains why the mist gets thicker as you move towards the centre.

Why am I explaining this?

So that it is easier to make sense of what I'm trying to explain. Get it?

That's why it gets more difficult to use <Magic Sense> now. The mist itself us made of magical energy and these animals are able to camouflage their magical energy signatures here. They are able to hunt their pray better like this.

I've been studying these creatures as I've fought with them over the last two days. My magical energy has increased dramatically here and my magic control has become more refined. This place is perfect as a training ground! I think I can stay here for a whole month before I want to leave.

"<Presence Detachment>" I mutter under my breath and I feel the magical energy I usually exert started moving invertly as my presence starts to fade. It's really scary how useful this ability is. I can't even be sure that I'm really here.

After making sure the ability I stood and start preparing to move further towards the centre. My curiosity had gotten the better of me. I did not know what to expect from doing this but I know that this place feels familiar to me. It could be linked to my memories.

How long are you planning to make me wait?

I hear a voice suddenly speak in my head. It's depth was dark and the intensity made my skin crawl. The strangeness of it was the fact that it sounded familiar to me. I was in a feeling of nostalgia because of it.

"Who are you? And what do you want from me?"

So you really have lost your memories?

"I'm well aware that I have amnesia…"

From the snide remarks you give you definitely retain the information you learn. I can assume that your amnesia is related to events that happened. You cannot remember anyone else or who you are, can you?

"…" He was spot on. I did not even give him that much information in our simple exchange. This person most likely knows who I am.

Silent, now? Ha! I can almost laugh at this situation! You must really be worried!

"Just say your say and get out of my head!" I accidentally yelled when emotions flared up. If I stay here any longer, I'll most likely give away my location.

And I just learnt how to us my own stealth ability, <Presence Detachment>. This voice is making me really agitated. Wait, why doesn't the fact that there is a voice in my head bother me?

"Who are you?"

Let me introduce myself, Tor'Ack. I'm the king of the Demon Clan and your uncle. I am Na'Tas Li'Ved. You can call me Satan.

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