30. The Revelation.

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1. A surprising and previously unknown fact that has been disclosed to others.
2. the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence.

Levi ;
We arrived at large castle surrounded by fields and trees. The area was extremely secluded, almost as if it was built here to not be found. "Eren, where are we?" I asked cautiously because I didn't want to upset or anger him. He's been through so much I have no clue how he'd respond to anything I say.

"We're at a castle. Our castle, to be exact."

"Our castle..?"

"It's a long story."


"Sasha? Are you here?"

There's other people? That's comforting, at least. Eren hasn't been alone this whole time waiting for someone to come 'rescue' him. But what did he mean by 'our castle'? I've never seen this place in my life.

"I'm over here, my prince!"

My prince? What is this place and what the hell is going on??

A girl with brown mid-length hair walked out a room to the left of us. She shot a quick glance at Eren, then at me.

"What is it you need my Pr- oh my god!"

"Not now Sasha! Can you show Hanji to a guest room please and Levi to mine, we'll be staying a while."

"Of course, Eren."

Time skip to the evening uwu


"Hey Hanji?"

"What's up Eren?"

"Can I talk to you for a minute? It's serious, and I think you're the only one I can trust with this information right now."

"Of course, what is it Eren?"

"It had been three weeks since I'd last checked in on Levi via my portals. Every day I would watch him live his life without me. He'd wake up, after a terrible night of non stop nightmares, he'd eat breakfast, but most days he would skip it, he'd clean, work, shower, possibly have dinner, and then sleep for the night. His smile, it never showed, unless he was looking at something specific. A picture - of me. It was one he'd taken a few months after we met. We were at the park, on an unclassified picnic 'date'. Levi wanted me to pose for a picture, so I sat in front of a beautiful cherry blossom tree. The petals had fallen from their branches, and were scattered around me."

"Okay? What are you trying to say, Eren?"

"The tree, the fallen petals, it reminded me of him and I. Levi the leaves. The leaves are dependent on the branches, sunlight and water for survival. When they fail or are not present, the leaves fall, a new leaves must be made. I'm the tree. The trunk supports and holds up the tree itself, but is surrounded by many organisms that depend on it. The tree could be cut or fall down at any minute, and everything else that is reliant on that tree will fall down too."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm all the emotions that were finally spilling out after being bottled up for so long.

"Levi. He relies on me for support. Without me, he seems lost. His smile, although it may be bright, it holds such a deep sadness that it's hard to believe he's survived this long. Me. I always support others, forgetting myself. If I fall, others will too, and I'll be held responsible for it all. As the angel hound, I've been kidnapped countless times. People have called me the 'saviour' or 'humanity's last hope' and I can't help but think it means more than what I took it to be at the time. I took nothing of it. Simply an expression. Hanji, I think I was made the angel hound for a reason. And I think Levi and I aren't supposed to get our happy ending."

Around 10pm, before Levi slept for the night, he'd sit in bed and stare at the photo. He'd run his finger up and down the paper, smiling whenever it ran past me. He'd repeat this for a decent half an hour, before whispering 'I love you' and drifting off to sleep.

"I felt so empty. Without Levi, I'm not my whole self. He brings out the better side of me, one that's rarely evident to anyone but us.
I always knew that death would continuously tear us apart. If Levi ever found out how I first died, he'd leave. He'd never forgive himself. He'd be more broken than he is now. Death changes people, in such strange ways. When the people you love die, your whole body shuts down, and you have to deal with coping without them."

"What do you mean if Levi ever found out how you first died?"

"I'm getting to that part. Death changed Levi too much. He rarely spoke to anyone. His workload was piled up on his desk, waiting to be completed. He'd sit in his room most of the day, just staring at the wall. Seeing him like that, it broke me. Even being in a different realm, I still had to watch him suffer for what someone else did. Whoever that someone is, I want them to pay. If Levi never wakes up, he'll die alone. Like I said, not everybody gets their happy ending."

"Wake up? Why would Levi need waking up, Eren?"

"Who I am. Who we are. It's not what you think. Levi and I, we're more than just wolves. From what you've seen, I think you already have a clear idea what I'm talking about. And it's not good. I-I'm hungry. Not like that. In the you know what way. And his is the only I crave. Everyone else's smells absolutely appalling and I refuse to take it. I refuse to take his too. If I do, I'll truly become the monster I never wished to be."

"I understand. Levi hasn't figured it out yet, I think he's afraid of-,"

"Me. He's afraid of me."

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