53. "I dont care."

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You may get a bit of nostalgia reading some of Eren's POV in this chapter. It is simply because it is his view of the memory Levi saw from Grisha before Levi murdered Grisha :)
Also quick reminder that Levi has the ability to see other people's memories / show them his if you get confused!

Third person pov;
It had only taken them 20 minutes or so to find Eren before they were all gathered in the alley way.

Eren sat with his knees pulled up to his chest, with his face looking towards Levi. His eyes were still glowing red, and his fangs poked at his bottom lips.

Hanji stood slightly behind Levi. She looked towards Eren with genuine concern and sympathy.

Sasha and Connie were tending to the wounds of the victim, hoping their vampire blood would save him. Everyone knew he was already dead. They just didn't want to admit it.

Erwin was positioned next to Hanji, his expression matching that of hers. 

Levi. He was slowly inching towards Eren, taking little steps.

"Don't come near me!"

Levi stopped all of sudden, unable to move any closer to Eren.

"Why can't I move any closer?!"

"True bloods hold authority over werewolves. You can try to fight. If strong enough as an alpha, you can rid him of his authority. But with the state he's in, I wouldn't if I were you."

Sasha spoke with an authoritative tone, but made it clear that her words were a warning.

"Please Hanji! I can't take this anymore! Make it stop. Make it stop! Make it stop!"

With Eren's true blood nature and his strong emotions combined, all Hanji could do was obey Eren's plead. She gently walked over to him, injecting the sedative she had brought just incase. Eren began to fall unconscious within 5 seconds or so.

"What the fuck Hanji? You can't just knock him out!"

Hanji sighed heavily, not even looking at Levi.

"It what he wants. Respect that. Let's not forget he's an omega and a vampire. His emotions are heightened as much as they can be."

Levi growled lowly, annoyed at the whole situation. He just wanted to care for his mate.


"Step away from Eren. Right now. Or I won't hesitate to tear you into pieces."

She moved away slowly, knowing it was for her own good. Being a beta made her less prone to obeying Alpha voices. They had slight influence, but Hanji always knew to do what was right in that situation, whether it be obey or not.

"I want you to think carefully about how you answer my next question. If Eren is my mate, have you all known and have failed to inform me?"

Levi, truthfully, didn't want to hear the answer. Either way, he knew at this point that his life had been a lie. Petra? Was she even real to him? Is Eren the angel hound? Why is he mated to a cross-breed?

He awaited the answer. Everyone seemed to paused for a minute or so, as if they were all trying to debate through the mind link who would answer. They knew they had to lie. They couldn't let knew memories of Eren be formed, because the old ones will disappear.

Hanji was first to speak.

"Eren isn't your mate. You're just feeling withdrawal symptoms from Petra's absence. You're projecting your feelings onto Eren."

He'd never admit it, but Levi's heart dropped hearing Eren isn't his mate. Is he just going soft? For a weak little omega?

He analysed everyone's expressions in response to Hanji's statement, all of them seeming to be neutral. For now, he believed what Hanji had said.

Time skip because I am lAZY


The hell flames around Levi became brighter, and hotter. Believe it or not, but the heat the demon hound was radiating spread across the whole territory. All of my people were choking on the infected smoke or burning in the flames Levi had lit. Only flames from hell could kill an angel - they're infected with the power of Lucifer, and the demon hound, of course.

Whilst trying to save my people, I noticed the familiar scent reach my nose. He's here...

"L-Levi! Please stop! You're killing my people."

"I'm sorry Eren, but the ruler of hell cannot have any weaknesses."

I looked at him with a look of confusion. Weaknesses? Then I knew. My eyes widened in realisation.

"I-I'm your weakness."

I knew what was happening. I didn't try to run. I didn't try to hide. My love for him was true. I wanted me him be happy, and i knew that if killing me was the only option to his happiness, I'd say yes in a heartbeat.

So i did. I stood there. I stood there whilst Levi lifted his shaky hand, chanting a series of words before the fire was realised from his hand.

The fire reached me quickly. The flames engulfed my whole body, with me screaming out in pain throughout the whole process.

It burnt so much. It hurt. But what hurt the most, is that my final memory of the man I love, was him murdering me.

I awoke with a slight gasp.

What was that? A dream? No. It felt like ... a memory?

A knock at the door sent me into a sudden panic as I remembered why I had been asleep.

I murdered someone.

The person knocking didn't even wait for a reply, they just let themselves in.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I don't want to talk. Leave."

Their breath hitched slightly at the use of my vampire voice. Since they've been pulling the "I'll use my alpha voice" trick on me lately, I decided to give them a taste of their own medicine.

But of course. Of course he's an alpha strong enough to disobey. Disappointed, but not surprised.

"I really don't care what you have to say, brat. I know you're not going to explain. So after thinking, I've decided I'll just do what I do best. Be a ruthless alpha, like you said I am, and dig inside your memories!"

My head shot up to look at him after hearing that. I knew it wouldn't work, but I continued to use my vampire voice.

My heart pained at the words that came out of his mouth. "I don't care."

"Don't you dare. Please, don't."

"Cut the voice. I'm a heartless alpha, remember? I don't care. Now stay still."

Before I could even move, his hands were either side of my head, with his face pulled into a look of concentration.

A single tear rolled down my cheek as the person who was supposed to love me, violated me.

What if he never learns to love me again?

Tied by fate ~ Ereri / Riren {Omegaverse}Where stories live. Discover now