27. My Desperation.

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a state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behaviour.

Third person;
Eren was scared. Terrified. He feared for his life, and his mate, for that matter. He didn't want anyone to get hurt, especially if it was going to be his fault. He just wanted some kind of happiness, preferably with Levi. But he felt the whole world was against him, just waiting for the moment he cracks.

Grisha, too, feared for Eren's life. He claimed to hardly know the boy, but truth is he watched over his son for the past 15 years. They may not be from the same realm, his Eren died a long time ago, but this Eren, he was special.

It's normal, for your attacker to fear for your life. It's a built in human reaction to any life-threatening situation. But did Grisha care? Not really. He has to do what's needed. There's no other way.

Grisha's excuse for everything, was his phrase 'The human race is a cruel thing'. Which is true. They hurt, kill, steal, argue and abuse, instead of living peacefully. He wanted to get rid of the race once and for all, leaving only the heaven and hell realm to live their lives.

"Grisha, please! Don't do this. I don't want to be a monster!"

The boy cried. He cried so much. He'd lost all the hope the moment he heard 'evil', because it was the one thing he never wanted to become.

"I have to, now, be quiet, boy!"

The man glanced into the boy's eyes, getting lost for a moment in the pain and darkness they held. He looked away, turning towards the steel metal table next to him. He took a syringe, with a large needle. It had a deep red liquid inside, and, once again, Eren knew exactly what it was.

"Now Eren. Since you gave up your chance of willingly drinking it from the cup, we'll just have to do it the hard way."

"P-please! No. D-don't!"

The desperation I felt at that moment, couldn't be described. This isn't what I want, it's not what anyone wants.

"Just Shutup before I make you, boy!"

I needed to do something. And there was only one thing I could. There's such a small possibility it could work, I have to try it. If I heard him earlier, maybe it'll work again.

Grisha slowly got closer to me, the needle tilted at an angle so it could go directly into my neck. I have to do this, there's no other way.

"LEVI! Please h-help me!"

I screamed it at the top of my lungs, exposing any hope I had left in me. If there was any way I could see him again, or even just talk to him again, I have to try it.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

The needle and my skin met sharply, piercing a hole for the blood to enter. Grisha backed away, smiling like a psychopath who'd just murdered their first victim.

"There we go!"

He looked down at his watch, carefully analysing the time.

"Any minute now!"

A sudden tightening rose in my throat, and my teeth began to hurt like hell. What the hell is happening to me?

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