Dear Readers,

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Just some things you might want to know before you start reading:

The story will be written from both my POV and Niall's POV. To know who's POV it is at the beginning of each chapter it will say who's POV it is. 

I will update this story probably once a week. Right now I am releasing the first 4 chapters and then from now on it will  be once a week since this summer I have gotten ahead so I can update as often as possible. So expect once a week for a new chapter to be released. 

This fanfic is written starting at Summer of 2012. Since I waited before I released it the story is written about a month behind current events. I'm expecting at some point I will catch up do the time the story is taking place is about the same as real life. For example: I want the chapter that will take place during Christmas actually be released around Christmas and not a month after Christmas.

If you have any ideas for the fanfic feel free to inbox me them. I'm always thinking of new ideas and things for the fanfic so if you have any don't be scared to share them. Your idea but then be featured into the story if I like the idea and if it fits in with my ideas. 

Please follow my twitter @NiallersNextHoe. I might be doing things for my fanfic like if I add a character then you might get a chance to be them. I have already done this before for one small character in a chapter and I'm thinking of doing it again. So watch out for stuff on my twitter about that. I will also tweet when I have updated on twitter so that might be something to look for too.

That's all I can think of. Just please tell other people about this fanfic so people actually read it :) 

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