Chapter Thirty-One: Long-Distance Phone Call

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"Hello?" says a familiar Irish accent as he answers the phone.

"Hey Niall!" I say smiling into the phone as I jump back on to my bed getting comfy.

"Kayla! Hey babe! Did you have a good flight?" he asks.

"Yeah. It was long, but it was good. What have you been up to?" 

"Just working in the studio a lot. Almost done recording Take Me Home. This should be the last week of recording. Then it should take 2 weeks to get the whole album figured out and Take Me Home will be ready to go. Then it'll just be the promo left for it until it releases," he explains. I can tell he enjoys talking about the new album and is really excited for it. I'm just as excited, maybe even more, for it.

"That's great! I can't wait to hear it along with all the other Directioners," I say.

"During your Ask Niallers Girlfriend I realized that you have never heard anything off the new album. You know, since your my girlfriend, you can hear it. I trust you that your not going to leak it," Niall says. My heart skips a beat when he says that he trusts me. I never even really thought about getting to listen to the album early because of being his girlfriend.

"I would love to hear it! But I kind of miss being truly apart of the fandom. I want to wait along with everyone else. I think it will be fun, getting to listen to it when everyone else does. Being apart of all the excitement. If you don't mind, I just want to wait," I say. I can't believe I just said that. I get a chance to listen to Take Me Home early and I turn it down. I must be stupid. But being apart of all the fangirling in the fandom is one of the best parts about an album coming out. Just because I'm Niall's girlfriend doesn't mean I want to give up the fangirling life style. I can be on both sides of the fandom, the side with One Direction and all of their friends and the side with all the Directioners. Who says I can't do both?

"I understand. I respect that. I can promise you that you won't be disappointed by the album. I like it better than Up All Night," Niall says.

"Then it has to be amazing, because Up All Night is better than god," I say and Niall laughs. I smile just by hearing his laugh. I didn't realize how much I already missed hearing his laugh.

"I found out quite a bit about you in that Ask Niallers Girlfriend," Niall says. I can hear the cute little smirk in his voice.

"Like what?" I smirk as I snuggle into my fluffy pillow. 

"Well I found out you were serious about being a Directioner and not just a fan," Niall says with a cute laugh. I could sit here listening to that laugh of his all day. He continues on, "I now know that you're just like me and hate getting up in the morning and liked Geography the best in school. That your smart and think ninjas are better than pirates. You really are a picky eater and don't drink apple or orange juice, but you do like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. And that I was your celebrity crush. Oh! And that i'm a good kisser," Niall says. I can tell he's pretty proud of himself about the last part. 

I blush a little and reply, "Well they wanted to know if you were a good kisser. So I just told the truth."

"London isn't as fun without you," Niall sighs.

"Summer isn't fun anymore without London," I sigh back.

"When are you leaving for college?" Niall asks.

"This Wednesday. My family is going to drive me up there. Classes don't start for my until Thursday," I answer.

"Did you find out who your rooming with yet?" Niall asks.

"My friend an dI Didn't get together but our rooms are right next to each other. All I know is that her name is . I'll be meeting her Wednesday when I move in I guess," I reply.

"Well at;east you'll get to meet new people," Niall says trying to cheer me up after the fact that I won't be with one of my best friends.

"Hopefully she's not a psycho killer that kills their roommates in their sleep. I'm too young to die!" I cry out over exaggeratedly.

"You'll be fine, love. I'm sure she'll be a great girl," Niall chuckles, "Call me later that night so I can know that she didn't kill you right away."

"If I call you at night it will be super early in the morning for you," I remind him.

"Oh yeah, forgot about the time difference. I'm going out for Liam's birthday so i'll be home late anyways. I'll be up so you can just call," Niall says.

"Are you sure you won't be too tired to talk?" I ask.

"I'm never going to be tired to hear your voice," Niall sweetly says.

"Okay, but don't be complaining if you're tired the next day from staying up even later after that party," I warn him.

"It'll be worth it," he says making my heart melt faster than a popsicle in Georgia.

"As long as I don't get yelled at for making you fall asleep in the middle of recording at the studio," I respond.

"You won't because I'll make sure not to fall asleep," Niall says.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" I ask. I hope he does have plans. I don't want him sitting at home thinking about me. I don't want to do that either. That's why I need to make sure to keep pretty busy during college and hanging out with other people. I don't want to be the girl who sits in her room all day thinking about how much she misses her boyfriend. I'm going to need things to distract me so I don't think about how much I miss Niall.

"I do! Josh and some of me other friends are going out for a few pints," Niall says with his Irish accent sticking out more than normal. I love when he says words that bring out his Irish accent even more. Sometimes I just get so used to it that I don't even notice his accent anymore. Which is a shame because I love just listening to it. Sometimes I wish I could just lay there and listen to his accent for hours. "Are you doing anything?" Niall asks. 

"I need to start packing. I haven't started so I only have 3 days of packing to get all this done. One of my friends is coming over to help me out since she is leaving for college tomorrow," I answer.

"Do you think you'll be able to pack me in one of those boxes?" Niall cheekily asks.

I giggle and say, "I would do whatever it takes to get you in one of those boxes."

I can hear a doorbell on the other side of the phone line. Niall sighs and says, "They're here. I have to go love."

"Okay. Have fun with the guys," I say trying to sound like i'm not disappointed that he has to leave.

"I will. But babe?" Niall says.

"What?" I ask wondering what he has to say.

"I love you," he says. Even though I can't see him I can tell he has that cute Irish grin on his face.

"I love you too," I say back smiling just as big as he probably is.

"Bye love," he says.

"Bye Nialler," I sigh before hanging up.

Goodbyes are hard. Even though everything might seem great on the phone, when you have to say goodbye that's when it hits you. He's across the ocean. I can't be in his arms. I won't see him for months. I have no clue when I will even see him next. That's when I start to realize how hard this really is going to be. This isn't going to be easy at all. My heart is going to take a beating. But in the end, hopefully it's worth it. It might suck right now, but I still couldn't be happier knowing that Niall is mine. I just pray to god that this will all work out, the long distance thing. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Niall in my life anymore. 

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