Chapter One: Are You Ready For Me London?

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Kayla's POV

I step off the airplane and into the airport rolling my pink leopard suitcase i got on sale behind me. I'm only in London for 4 weeks but my bag is over flowing with enough clothes to last me 3 months. And that's just the bag for my clothes.

I walk down the airport halls following the crowd of people that were on the same plane as me. No cute guys on the plane sadly. I was kind of hoping for The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith to happen to me. You miss your plane by 4 minutes, get on a new flight, meet a cute boy while waiting for your plane, and then end of sitting by him on the long plane ride to London. In the end they fall in absolute love with each other and have an amazing romantic story to share. 

But of course that cute romantic fairytale won't happen to me. I didn't meet my prince charming while on the plane to London. Actually i sat beside an elderly couple that snored really loudly the entire time. Very far from a fairytale plane ride. 

I stop walking once I reach the baggage claim area with the rest of my fellow plane riders. The bags soon come out as they ride across conveyor belt in their boring shades of black and navy blue. Soon i spot my blue and lime green zebra suitcase and blush pink with gold polka dots duffle bag. I walk over and pick them up and carry all 3 bags of mine toward the door. 

I walk outside and look for where the line for the Taxis are. I roll my 2 bags across the pavement as my duffle is slung across my shoulder as i join the line. There is about 20 different groups in front of me and at the pace it's going i'll never get out of here. I sit down on one of my suitcases and set the duffle down on my lap. 

The whole reason why I am in London is because an old friend of mine lives here. We were best friends when we were younger but then I moved away. Shortly after I moved away her family started moving all around the country because her father was in the military. She even lived in Japan for a few years until her dad retired from the military. Her parents always wanted to live in London so they moved into a beautiful apartment building. 

Since i'm 18 now my mom said I could go visit them by myself since I have not seen Anabelle in about 8 years now. Also i could experience London and learn how to be off on my own a bit before I go off to college. I even get to stay in my own hotel room at a nice hotel. Well it was nice look in the pictures so hopefully their website doesn't lie.

After about 20 minutes I get up to the front of the Taxi Line. A black London taxi car pulls up and stops as the driver steps out. He opens the door for me as he says "Welcome to Londom miss. My name is William, I will be your taxi driver for today." He takes my bags from me and puts them in the trunk.

"Thank you. I'm Kayla," I say with a smile because he is kind of cute. I slide into the back seat as he shuts the trunk close. 

William gets in the front seat and turns around to face me "Where am I taking you today Miss. Kayla?"

"The Waldorf Hilton please," I tell him.

"Wonderful hotel choice miss," he says with his British accent. He turns around to buckle his seat belt and starts the drive.

I look out the windows and soak in as much of London as I can. All the people, the buildings, everything, just all so different. We pull up to the front of the hotel building. William exits the taxi and opens the door for me, "Here you go miss." He then goes to the trunk and gets out my bags and sets them in front of a bellhop who is setting them on a cart.

I give William the money I owe him and walk over to the cute bellhop who has my bags. "Hello miss, I'm Edmund. When you get your room number just come over to the bellhop counter and ask for me and I will bring your bags up to your room."

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