Chapter Four: Wisconsin Girl in London With an Irish Boy

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Kayla's POV

I swipe my straightener through my silky, light brown hair one last time placing the straightener back on the bathroom counter top and unplugging it from the wall. I run my fingers through my hair that was once decided to be classified as dirty dish water blonde by my hairstylist Kristen when we were trying to figure out if i'm just a really dark blonde or a really light brunette. I smile at myself in the mirror remembering that memory. 

I walk outside of the bathroom and onto the soft carpet of the rest of the room. I grab my make up bag off the dresser top and walk in front of the mirror. I look over the outfit Anabelle and I decided on and nod my head knowing it was a really good choice. I plop down onto the carpet in front of the mirror while opening up my make up bag spreading out it's contents. 

I don't know why I packed this much make up when I rarely use half of this stuff I packed. Actually, I probably don't even know how to use most of it. Most of the time I just wear mascara because that's all I really need. Sometimes i'll use eyeliner for something a little extra but not very often. 

I do my typical mascara routine to make my lashes look the models in the magazines. I shove all of the make up back in the bag and just stare at myself in the mirror for a few seconds admiring how good I look tonight. I stand up and strike a pose in the mirror showing off my outfit. 

My phone buzzes on the nightstand and I instantly set my make up bag back on the dresser and grab my phone. I unlock the screen and check my messages thinking that it's probably Niall. I smile at the screen when I see it is from Niall. 

Hey. I'm almost 

  there. You ready? :)

I lay back on the bed with my legs dangling off and type back:

Yes! On my way

  down now. 

I grab my wristlet off the nightstand and stuff my phone inside. I go by the mirror and finger comb my hair one last time. "Who ever thought you would go on a date with Niall," I say to my reflection in the mirror.

I leave my hotel room and go down the hallway into the elevator. The elevator doors open up right away when I hit the button for them. I enter in the elevator and stand next to an elderly lady. She looks at me and smiles, "You look nice dear, is this for anything special?"

"Actually for someone special," I say beaming.

"Ohh, well he is a lucky man then," she replies.

"I'm the lucky one. I get to go on a date with a guy I had a crush on since I was 16. He literally didn't even know I existed," I explain.

"I bet he can't stop thinking about you know," she says, then adding in,"being a girl as pretty as you I think it would be hard for a guy not to think about you all the time." The elevator doors open and she gets out ahead of me. She turns around and says, "Good luck dear."

"Thank you," I say smiling from the confidence she has given me. I stop and wonder to myself if she's right about Niall always thinking about me. I wish to myself that it is true.

I walk over to the revolving doors and exit the hotel. I see Niall leaning against the smooth wall of the hotel. I smile at how cute he is. He brushes his fingers through his hair and I practically melt. He spots me and his face brightens up.

I stroll over by him smiling the entire time. He opens his arms and embraces me into a hug. "Hey, how are you?" he sweetly asks.

"I'm great, you?" I respond.

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