Chapter Two: Studio Time

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Niall's POV 

I walk into the studio behind Paul as he guides me in to make sure I get in safely and not mobbed by some of our fans. I turn around and wave at the Directioners as the glass door swings shut behind me blocking out the screams. I continue to follow Paul into the studio as I play with my phone turning the screen on and off and sliding the screen.

I keep checking to see if Kayla has responded to my text I sent her an hour ago.

Good morning :) Only11 hours till our date.

She hasn't texted me back yet. She might still be sleeping though, it's only 9am anyways. If I had a choice I would still be sleeping too. I remember that she's also from Wisconsin which is a 6 hour time difference so unless she likes getting up at 3am she is probably still asleep. 

I walk into the room where all the other guys are at, still holding my phone and checking to see if I have a text from her now. Still the inbox says 0 like I knew it would. I stare at it telling it telepathically to receive a message from her wondering if she is up for some reason.

"Your late Niall, you were suppose to be here 20 minutes ago," says Liam being the dad like figure he thinks he is. Liam, Harry, and Louis are all sitting around the table while Zayn is laying on the couch besides the table

"Yeah man, we were starting to wonder where you were," Zayn adds in putting his arms behind his head as he gets more comfortable into the couch. 

"I'm fine guys. Just took longer to get here then normal I guess," I explain. 

"Maybe you just walk slower when you don't even look up from your phone the entire walk over here," Paul says as he is leaning against the wall in the room.

"What's on your phone that is so cool?" Harry asks.

I sit down at the table by the rest of them and set my phone down on the table by me. "Nothing," I say not wanting to tell the boys about Kayla quite yet. I occasionally glance at my phone screen seeing if I have gotten a message yet. 

The boys move on not thinking much of it and start talking about some of the new songs for the album. "Can you believe it's our 2nd album already?" says Louis.

"This year went by so fast," says Liam. 

Someone comes and tells us it's time to rehearsing and recording one of the songs for the album. We all get up and I slip my phone back into my pocket. We go down the simple white hallways and into recording room set up for us. 

We warm up and practice the song a few times before we start to record it. When we are all ready we start recording. We take turns recording our solo's. While we're waiting for our turn we just chill and practice the solo a few times. 

The entire time I couldn't stop thinking about her. Thinking about what how our date is going to be tonight. I look up at the clock to see how much longer it is until our date. 8 more hours left. 

I keep sneaking glances at my phone in my pocket to see if she has responded back to my text. I do it when the boys aren't looking so they don't catch me. My heart drops a little each time I check and see she hasn't responded yet. 

Paul comes in the room and informs us by saying, "It's 11, you guys have an hour break now. Are any of you wanting to go somewhere so I can follow you?"

All of us look at each other and shake our hands. Harry looks up at him and says, "Nah. We'll just stay here today."

"You know where to find me if you change your minds," he says as he walks out leaving the door open for us so we can leave.

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