Chapter Nineteen: Meet The Sister

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Kayla's POV

"That was so much fun!" I exclaim walking back into my hotel room tossing my bag onto the chair in the corner.

"I know! I can't believe my mom got us tickets!" Anabelle says following me into my room. She kicks her leg back shutting the door. She kicks her shoes off high into the air and catches them one at a time before she throws them on the floor next to each other by my neat pile of shoes.

"And not just tickets but tickets to the America versus America beach volleyball match!" I exclaim jumping up and landing on the plush couch.

"I can't believe we just got to see Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings actually play!" Anabelle fangirls before plopping right down the middle of the bed.

When we decided I was going to London and found out it was the same time the London Olympics were we practically begged Nancy to score us some tickets to something. Of course she couldn't get her hands on any gymnastics tickets. Then she couldn't get us any swimming or diving ones so we could see the sexy guys like Ryan Lochte and Tom Daley. But when Anabelle's mom was able to get tickets to the beach volleyball event I was so excited. Then when we were told it would be with Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings we both practically flipped out. Now, we might not be huge volleyball fans and know everything about volleyball, or even anything really. But when it came to the Olympics we both liked watching the beach volleyball on TV. Misty and Kerri obviously became our favorites. Why obviously? Because they were amazingly talented and were good. You always pick the winning team on the sport you have no clue what it's about. 

"I wish we could go to all the events and just stay on the Olympic grounds till it was all over," I say dreaming of what it would be like to just hideout there the entire time. 

"I know! Today was so much fun," Anabelle says putting her hands behind her head to relax.

It was really fun. Even though we only got to go to one event we still walked around the rest of the time outside the events. The energy of all the people was so much fun. We met a ton of hilarious and fun people. We did some crazy stuff just messing around. We even ran into a few Olympic athletes. It's just an exciting environment to be in. It's like being a kid again going to Chuck E Cheese. 

"We are definitely going to the Olympics again when we are older," I say making a future vacation for us.

"Deal," Anabelle says. After a few moments of silence go by Anabelle asks, "What time are we video chatting Kassidy?".

Kassidy is my younger sister. Today, August 8th, is her 15th birthday. It wasn't really till this past year where we started getting along. Before we would always be fighting. Which that was actually rare because we would avoid each other as much as possible. Well atleast I tried avoiding her. It just felt like she did whatever she could to mess with me and push my buttons. She knew what pisses me off and she would use that against me. She's like my mom. My mom does the exact same thing, and they have no idea why i'm pissed off. Obviously i'm going to be a little annoyed with you if you feel the need to bring up my ex boyfriend scoring a touch down in football when I don't even care about football in the first place. If I don't care about this random hot guy scoring do you think it's going to change if my ex scores? 

Well now my sister and I are actually able to talk. I've always wanted one of those close sister relationships. Like Kendall and Kylie Jenner. They are more friends then they are sisters. We can hang out and everything without even getting mad at each other. I think it was her finally being able to grow up that changed everything. She was always immature. I swear I was more mature then her during middle school. Once she hit high school it's like she finally grew up. We have a strong enough relationship that we are actually going to celebrate her birthday over video chat. Not just a simple happy birthday call. But an actually mini party. We even bought cakes so she could eat one at home and Anabelle and I can eat one here in London. Which works out better since she likes vanilla cake and I like chocolate. 

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