Chapter Fourteen- What If It's a Murderer?

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Kayla's POV

I shake my flips flops off on Niall's dark hardwood floor. It's the second time being here and I am already starting to feel very comfortable here. Almost as if this place was my own home. The smell of freshly baked goods dance around the room. 

"It smells good in here," I say turning around to face Niall while he steps on his ankles to get his shoes off.

"I hope you like cookies," Niall says with a cute smile back.

"Well lucky you I love cookies," I respond straightening out my skinny styled sweatpants. 

"Good, because I went a little overboard," he says walking into the kitchen with my steps shortly behind his.

My eyes widen slightly as I look around the completely covered in cookie mountains counter tops, "A little overboard?! Looks like you have enough to feed the entire Royal Wedding!"

"Okay, okay! I went more than overboard," Niall admits looking around at the piles of cookies.

"This reminds me of Christmas," I say smiling at the memory. "Around the beginning of December at Vallerie's house my family and another of my parent's friend's family would come over and we would make hundreds of cookies. Mainly Christmas ones. We would do sugar cookies and decorate them and we did other special ones. It's my favorite day of the year," I explain to him.

Niall wraps his arm around my waist, "Are you gonna go back home to do it this year since you'll be in college?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I reply resting my head into Niall's warm chest.

"Are boyfriends allowed? I want to join in on the fun!"  Niall asks looking down at me.

The second I hear him say the word 'boyfriend' a smile smears itself across my face. This is the first time he's called himself my boyfriend. I'm not just some girl he's been on a few dates with, I'm his girlfriend! I snap myself out of my thoughts and go back to the conversation, "Of course. Actually, Vallerie's always been excited for the day me and my sister would come home from college and bring our boyfriends with us."

"Would you be okay if I came with?" Niall asks while I snuggle into his dark grey, long sleeved shirt that stands out against his blue, baggy sweatpants and pale Irish skin.

"I would love for you to come! Honestly, I've been just as excited as Vallerie to bring a boyfriend to Cookie Day," I admit tilting my head up to look into his eyes.

"Well all you have to do is tell me when it is and I'll be there," he says dragging me with him over to the living room. Niall slides his hand across my lower back taking his hand off of me so he can start putting the movie into the DVD player. "I haven't seen this one yet but I heard it's good," he says turning around to smile at me before placing it into the DVD tray.

"It hasn't even started and I'm already kind of scared," I admit watching him push the DVD tray so it slides back into the DVD player. 

"Well I'll hold you tight so you don't get scared," Niall cheekily says turning back around wrapping his arms around me and giving me a quick but comforting kiss. Niall leans into my ear so I can feel his hot breath against my neck as he says, "I'm going to get some of those cookies in a bowl for us." He walks away into the kitchen and goes through the cupboards grabbing a huge bowl. I watch him gently set a couple dozen cookies into the bowl. How can someone look so hot doing everyday things? 

He strolls back into the living room after turning off all the lights and sets the cookie bowl onto the coffee table. I sit down in the middle of the couch while Niall grabs some comfy blankets and drapes one around me before wrapping himself in one and sitting down next to me. I pick my feet off the floor and keep them up on the couch with me, "I have to have my feet off the floor while watch scary movies. Otherwise I think a killer is going to grab my feet and drag me away." 

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