Chapter Thirteen- Meeting the Family

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Kayla's POV

Anabelle and I both try squeezing our reflections into the thin mirror as we both reapply our make up. Niall should be here any minute now and we both still aren't ready. My hair is slightly curled at the buttons giving it a natural look. I finish with one last swipe of my mascara before shoving it back into my makeup bag.

"All ready?" Anabelle asks checking herself out in the mirror trying to find any errors in her appearance.

"Yeah, how do I look?" I ask trying to pull her attention from her reflection to me. I strike a little pose and smile so she can fully grade my outfit.

"You look cute. Flirty and fun with a touch of class," Anabelle smiles at me.

"Are you sure? Because I feel like this skirt makes my legs look awkward," I admit looking at my reflection in the mirror playing around with the skirt trying to make it look good.

"Honey your legs look a mile long. You look absolutely gorgeous. Now how do I look?" Anabeele says adding a little twirl before hitting her pose.

I look her up and down checking out her light pink tight skirt and baby blue dolman top. Her pearl accessories add a touch of elegance. I check her waterfall braid I did for her for any fly aways and still can't find any imperfections, "You couldn't look any better."

"Hey gorgeous," Anabelle sings and I instantly know what to reply back.

"Um, I mean flawless," I sing back.

"Well that's what you are, how I see it is how I call it," we sing together and laugh at how well we know the words to the song Bedrock. 

I look over at the clock as it strikes 4 o'clock exactly, "He should be here any minute now." I look around the room making sure I didn't forget to do anything before it comes. Then it hits me. "Oh my god Anabelle! He's going to be here any minute and this place is a fucking mess!" I shout as I start scrambling shoving stuff into my bag.

Anabelle being the good friend she is quickly starts helping, "You just need to shove stuff in the bags and it'll look clean."

"It's just that he cleaned his apartment for me. I don't want to look like I don't care and this place look like my closet threw up all over it!" I say as I look around at all the clothes everywhere.

"I'm sure he would understand anyways since this is just a hotel your staying at," Anabelle says trying to calm me down as she shoves all my makeup containers into a drawer inside the nightstand.

"Well I don't want to look like i'm a slob. Slobs are not attractive!" I exclaim shoving more of the clothes into my bag. Anabelle and I scramble around the hotel room quickly shoving everything into the closest drawers and bags we can find. I sit on my overflowed bag trying to get the jammed zipper to shut. Right when I get it to shut and Anabelle closes the last of the drawers there's a knock at the door. 

I stand up and smile at Anabelle who I can tell by her face ow excited she really is. I walk over to the door unlocking it and opening it right up to the sex god standing out in the hallway. "Hey," the sex god says as he leans in touching his lips lightly against mine.

"Hey," I say allowing him into my hotel room for the first time. I look over at Anabelle who I can tell is trying to not fangirl, "This is Anabelle."

"Hi, I'm Niall," he says holding his hand out to her while I shut the door.

Anabelle grabs his hand and shakes it, "It's so nice to meet you."

"You too, Kayla's told me quite a bit about you," Niall says with a cute smile. I can tell Anabelle is in heaven absorbed in his Irish accent.

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