Chapter Three: Fangirling Over Lunch

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Kayla's POV

I just got finished getting ready for when I met up with Anabelle. The clock reads 11:17a.m. Anabelle should be outside of the hotel at 12. I sit down on the bed thinking of what to do as I wait until it's time to go.

My phone beeps signaling I have a text. I reach across the bed stretching out my body as I grab my phone off the nightstand. I turn the screen on and see I have received a text from Niall. I smile at the screen and tap my fingers across the screen typing back a response. 

Your such a flirt ;D

Instead of placing my phone back on the nightstand I slide in into my neon pink shorts pocket. I stand up off the bed and walk over to the full length mirror to check myself out. The pink shorts compliment my summer tan. My navy, off the shoulder shirt shows off my amazing shoulders and collarbone. The light weight of the shirt also is super comfy and soft. My straightened hair is parted to the left like usual. 

I go over to the dresser where I set my jewelry bag on top of. I go through the necklaces until I find one I like. I walk  back over to the mirror and put the long, gold key necklace around my neck. I twirl the necklace in my hand thinking of what else to add to the outfit.

I walk over to the mountain high pile of shoes I dumped on the floor. I dig through the pile trying to find these shoes I have in mind. I find my gold, braided straps sandals and put them on my feet. 

I go back over by the mirror and see how I look. I still feel like I need something more to the outfit. I stare at my reflection in the mirror thinking of what it needs. I look myself up and down trying to find what to add.

Then it hits me. I go back over to the dresser and go over by my sunglasses searching through them to find the ones I have in mind. I walk over by the mirror and put my gold aviators on. I strike a few poses in the mirror checking out how good I look. I turn around and turn my head to face the mirror to make sure my back side looks just as good. I smile remembering all of the things my best friends back home have said about how nice of an ass I have. 

I go over by my line of purses laying across the desk and pick up a gold purse to match the accessories. The purse has a ruffle going across the top and a bow on the front. I kind of have a thing for bows. I open up the purse shoving things I need in it like my wallet, phone, room key.

I look over at the clock and it says 11:49a.m. I should probably be going down outside now so I take one last look at myself in the mirror. "Beautiful," I say out loud to myself before I walk away over to the door. 

I go downstairs and walk out of the hotel excited to see Anabelle for the first time in years. I see her leaning against the cream brick wall of the hotel. "Anabells!" I exclaim reminding her of a nickname I gave her when we were little. I walk on over to her with my arms open ready to hug her.

Anabelle opens her arms and hugs me as she says, "Kayla! Oh my god, you look…" she pauses as she holds me out at arms length with her hands on my shoulders, "gorgeous! Those Facebook and Twitter pictures do not do you justice!"

I laugh and say, "Well they don't give you justice either! You look amazing."

She smiles, "Why thank you hun. But look at you with your matching accessories!"

I laugh, "You know how I am when it comes to that kind of stuff!"

"Right, they have to match each other and compliment your outfit," Anabelle says with a laugh at the end.

"So what are the plans for today," I ask Anabelle.

"Well there is this really yummy diner down the street from here. I can only hang out with you until 3 because I need to help my mom back at the house," she says answering my question.

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