Chapter Twenty-Nine: Goodbye London

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Kayla's POV

I open my eyes to the darkened room. Thank god we shut the blinds last night so we didn't have to wake up to the way to bright morning light. Niall's arms are tightly wrapped around my waist as he holds me against him. I look up to see that he is still sleeping. He's an adorable sleeper. His light breathing making a cute 'whisp' sound while it blows a few strains of his blonde hair up off his face. I watch the strains of hair float down before they go right back up again from another one of his breathes. 

I look over at the clock to see that it's 9:37am. Anabelle is  coming over at 11 to hang out a bit with us before I have to go. Not only do I have to get ready but I still have to pack! I careful slide out of Niall's arms trying not to wake him. When I get off the bed I turn around to make sure I haven't disturbed him. I am satisfied to see that he is still peacefully asleep like nothing has happened. He is just such a cute sleeper. I swipe my phone off the counter where I left it and quickly take a picture. I smile at the results. I'll definitely be looking at this photo a million times when I wake up in the morning and Niall isn't beside me.

I grab my selected outfit out of the bag and hurry into the bathroom. I turn the shower on and take my clothes off from last night before hoping in. After a good washing of the hair and shaving I get out of the shower and change. I look in the mirror at my reflection judging my outfit. The cute light pink denim shorts make my summer tan stand out a bit more. I straighten out my flawy cream colored shirt with the light blue floral print on it. 

I toss my head forward so my hair is upside down and brush my hair out first before I get started with french braiding the back of my hair. Once done I put it up in a high messy bun to show off the french braid I just did. When my messy bun looks the way I want it to I put a bow that matches my shorts under the bun in the back. I definitely look like a cute girly girl today. 

I have become pretty good with styling my hair lately. My mom never really taught me much about make up and hair because she had short hair and wore little make up. She didn't know much about it anyways. I taught myself how to french braid, waterfall braid, fishtail, put on eyeliner, and all kind of stuff like that. I learned everything I know from stuff online and in magazines. It might have taken me longer to learn this stuff then it did for other girls, but from learning it on my own I have somehow become really good at it. People are always asking me to do their hair and make up for things, which I enjoy doing. Makes me feel like I actually have a talent other than all my stuff I can do from cheer.

I quickly put on a little make up making it look pretty natural before slipping out of the bathroom. I come out to see Niall sitting up in the bed rubbing his eyes. 

"Morning Niall. Did I wake you?" I ask before putting my old clothes into one of my bags.

"No, you didn't," Niall says rubbing his eyes one last time before fully opening them. "Don't you look cute," Niall smiles.

I crawl up into bed and sit down on his lap. He wraps his arm around my waist as I wrap mine loosely around his neck. "Thanks, you look cute too," I say while  ruffling my fingers through his matted morning hair.

He blushes before saying, "What time is Anabelle coming over?"

"She said 11. Then we'll go down and eat in the hotel and hang out a bit before her mom comes by to take us to the airport," I answer.

I can see Niall's eyes sadden a bit when I mention the airport. He quickly tries changing it not wanting me to notice and says, "Well I better get ready. You still have a lot of packing to do." We both look around the room and how my stuff is all spread across the room everywhere. 

I chuckle and say, "I'm not sure if an hour is going to be enough time to get this all packed up." I slide off of his lap allowing him to stand up.

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