Chapter 6 ~ Finally Happy.. Well, Sort Of... *EDITED*

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The Ransom

Chapter 6 ~ Finally Happy.. Well, Sort Of...

I felt my face pale, and Sage's eyes on me, "I....I was going to tell you...." I stuttered.

He nodded. "Right...When were you going to tell me?"

"Right then, before Nathan took us to the...Torture chamber..." I shivered at the memory.

Harry's face softened, "Oh."

"Yeah..." I trailed off. An awkward silence followed until Sage broke it completely.

"Uhm...Is it me, or did it suddenly get awkward?" Sage stated.

"No... it got awkward..." I mumbled to her and she laughed.

"So... I'm going to be a dad?" Harry whispers, a small smile playing on his lips.

I smiled, "Yes..." I whispered and he kissed me.

"Good, should we start thinking of names?" he asked me.

I nodded, "How about.. Izzy?" I whispered and he nodded immediately.

"Kane?" he asked, "For a boy..." he mumbled and I nodded, loving the name.

"Aw! Good, finally pregnant!" Nathan said maliciously.

I gasped and snuggled into Harry, he wrapped his arms around me and said, "It's okay, you'll be fine, I promise..."

"I...What? Okay I'm not complaining...." I shrugged my shoulders a little. As long as he wasn't messing with Harry, me, or Sage, I was fine.

"I'm hungry!" Sage complained.

"Me too..." Harry agreed.

"GET US SOME FOOD!" I yelled to Nathan.

"Fine..." He mumbled to us.

"Thanks, Nate.." I mumbled up to him.

"No problem, what would you all like?" he asked.

"Mexican!" Sage called up.

"Tacos?" he asked down, "Damn I feel like a waiter." he mumbled.

"Yeah, all of us!" we all called up.

"I'll send Johnathen with some... my new servant... you know, the one you kissed earlier..." he said, his voice holding the smirk that was most likely on his face.

"WHAT!?" Harry shouted, jumping off the couch. i fell to the floor with a thump. "HE KISSED YOU?!"

"Uh..." I began.

"SO, YOU DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE PREGNANT, AND YOU KISS ANOTHER MAN! WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT!?" he was starting to ramble, but still, he was right. I had cheated on him.. With my ex..

Sage's P. O. V.

Harry kept going on and on....It wasn't Demi's fault Johnathen kissed her..Nathan told him to!

"I..Uh..." I began, but faltered. No one seemed to hear me anyways. I cleared my throat, and Harry ended his rant...For now.

"Demi....She didn't..She didn't kiss him...I did..?" Damn..That sucked...Badly.

"What?" Harry said with a relief.

"Yeah...It wasn't me...I was going to tell you that...." Demi said.

I mouthed a 'You're welcome' over at Demi. She nodded and smiled at me.

"I wouldn't lie, Demi!" Nathan growled over the thing.

 Demi's P. O. V.

Harry sighed, "Did you kiss him?" he asked.

"Nathan told him to, I wasn't going to tell you, because I didn't find it so important..." I mumbled, "I mean, he's a ex, ex meaning not there anymore, I love you... not him... Haz..." I trailed off, he nodded and turned his back to me.

"He kissed you?" Harry asked in a soft voice.

"Yes!" I stated.

"Ok... I believe you, but I want proof if this happens again." I nodded at him when he turned back around and smiled at Sage.

"Thanks Sage..." I whispered.

She shrugged, "Well, you did sort of save my life, I could have died if I stayed in a shocked state for to long..." she mumbled.

Harry turned towards Sage and shook his head. Her cheeks turned a scarlett color and she got up and headed towards the kitchen.

"Why would she lie?" He asked me.

"Because..She didn't want us to you know, fight about it..." I shrugged my shoulders a bit.

He nodded his head a little before settling down on the couch beside me.

"I'm glad you didn't lie like that, Demi....It was wise of you..." Nathan's voice rang out in the room.

"Yeah, me too..." Harry mumbled under his breath.

"Nathan... don't make me bite you..." I mumbled.

He laughed, "That happened one time, and my skin was soft!" he called down, I rolled my eyes.

"Sure..!" I said up to him, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Shut up, you're foods here, enjoy!" he said and Johnathen came in with the food.

"Hey, Dem!" he said to me.

"Hey.. John..." I mumbled and glanced at Harry.

"I get it.. I just wanted one last kiss.." he mumbled and I snuggled into Harry's side.

 "Dude, just leave her alone, okay?" Harry hissed at him. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing out.

"Okay then...Well, here's the food." he set it down on the table and left without a word.

"That was...Awkward." Sage said as she came out of the kitchen.

"You think?" I said. Her cheeks went a light pink color.

"Yeah..." she mumbled and I giggled at her.

Ruining the moment she asked, "Do you think he'll kill me?"

I looked at her, "No, I don't think so... I hope not!" I said and that cheered her up and we both giggled like we where talking about boys we like.

I snuggled into Harry and slowly drifted asleep.

"NO!" I screamed, "Please, Nathan! We won't try it again... please!" I begged him.

"I don't care if you never try it again... he's still going to die." he said and brought the bone saw that haunted me for countless amounts of murders to Harry's neck.

"Stop, put the blade down!" someone said from behind me.

The police...

"NO!" Nathan screamed and that was the end of Harry...

The I woke up, screaming.

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