Chapter 21 ~ The Reason *EDITED*

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The Ransom

Chapter 21 ~ The Reason

I nodded, "Yes, yes he is."

Nathan nodded towards the door and Zayn wrapped his arm around my waist. The three of us walked out of the room. Nathan led us down the hall to the torture room and I stopped immeadiately. "It's OK, Demi, we're not going to hurt you or the baby, we're just going in to see the doctor! This is the best we could do.." Nathan whispered and opened the door. Stepping in to see a doctor, setting up some of his... tools...

"So this must be Demi!" the doctor said cheerfully. He looked frightened when he looked at Nathan, but not when he looked at me.

"Yes, that's me." I said.

"Okay, just take a seat and relax on the table...and I'll finish getting everything set up, okay?" he looked at me then back at the table that looked like a makeshift bed.

I nodded and sat on the table. I wasn't going to lay down, not with Nathan around. Serena wasn't even there. "Lie down, Dem..." Zayn whispered and took my hand in his, I smiled at him and did as told.

"OK! We're ready to start, do you want to know the sex of the baby?" the doctor asked and I looked at Zayn. He stared at me.

"Do you want to know... I don't care. I can wait!" he stated and I smiled. He seemed to not care that they weren't his... I was happy about this of course... but Harry wasn't going to be.

"Yeah! I want to know!" I stated and the doctor nodded at me.

The jelly stuff went on first, it was a reddish color and it was cold. He soon picked up a long stick like thing that had a silver side to it and placed the silver side down on my stomach. It was cold to, but I decided to ignore it.

I closed my eyes and Zayn squeezed my hand.  The doctor left the thing on my stomach and asked, "Would you like to see your babies?"

My eyes widened at the word. Babies...

"Babies?" I choked out, the doctor nodded.

"Twins." he stated and smiled at Zayn. "You must be proud." he stated and Zayn frowned.

He sighed then smiled, "I am proud..." he whispered to me and knelt down next to me. "I don't care if they aren't mine. I still love you and them." he whispered and kissed my cheek.

If we were in a movie, and at a hospital with a doctor I had chosen, that would've been the perfect thing to say. But no, we were in a torture room, against my will, with a doctor I hadn't even heard of, but the words were still sweet and kind.

"Wonderful," I said and smiled.

The doctor wiped the jelly stuff of my stomach and looked at the cart of instruments he had with him. A computer was on the side of it, and it had lots of serious looking stuff on it.

"Can we go back now?" I asked, almost a plead.

"Uh..." Nathan looked at the doctor and the doctor looked at him, "Is everything...done?"

"Uh, well...." the doctor shifted nervously under Nathan's glare. If I were in his position, I'd be the same way, "Yes, they can go. If anything seems to feel weird or unusual, then just come back and I'll see if I can help...."

I knew he only said that to keep himself alive, but... it was still kind. Zayn smiled at me and swooped me into his arms - well, he gently picked me up off of the blood stained table.. but that's close enough.

"Alright, you can go! I'll be in the room to check on you tomorrow." Nathan muttered and we nodded before Zayn carried me out of the room and back to our room that we share with Sage and Harry.. and now I guess Ashley.

"I love you.." I heard Zayn whisper as he opened the door and walked us in.

"I love you, too!" I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me before lying my on the couch. Harry ran out of the room.

"So..?" he asked, glaring at us.

I frowned, "Harry, we need to talk... OK?" I asked him and he nodded at me.

"Come." I stated and got up from the couch, kissing Zayn's cheek to reassure him and walking off to our bedroom.

Harry came in after me and I closed the glass door and blinds.

"Sit..." I mumbled and he nodded before sitting.

"Nothing's wrong! It's's not one baby, it's twins." I said. He gasped a little before he started smiling like a fool.

"Yay!" he cheered as he got off the bed and raced into the entertainment room.

"Oh gosh...." I mumbled and followed him out of the room.

"I'm having twins!" he shouted and took me back into the bedroom.

"So, was there something else?" he questioned me, smiling like a retarded penguin.

"I..I don't feel the same about you as you do me. I'm so sorry, Haz!" I stated,  his eyes grew dark.

"Well...that's not very comforting..." Harry mumbled.

"I'm sorry..." I said while looking at the floor.

Zayn glided over to me and Harry glared at him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered, "So you told him you were having twins and then this? Nice way to break someone's heart."

"Oh shut up." I whispered back and elbow him in the ribs.

Harry glared at Zayn, "It was you. You did this, I could be happy with Demi right now if it weren't for you!" Harry screamed at Zayn.

"No, if it weren't for me, we wouldn't be here..." he whispered.

I looked up at Zayn, "What?" I whispered.

"Yes, tell her about how you were the reason we all got kidnapped!" Harry whispered tauntingly to Zayn.

"What is he talking about?" I whispered to him. He frowned down at me.

"I... I was the reason we got kidnapped..." he started.

Shock. Disappointment. Shame. All those emotions flooded through me. Then again, if he hadn't been the reason, I wouldn't have met him or anyone else. Still, all my family members wouldn't be dead if he hadn't been the reason.

"Really Zayn? REALLY?! You put my brother and the band through this just because of some stupid reason?" Ashley hissed at him. Before he could retaliate, she continued, "You should be ashamed!"

 "You think?! You thought I knew what was going to happen? Well, think again, Ashley! Gosh!" He shouted at her.

I just stood there, thinking about it all. Zayn was the reason we were here. It was HIS fault.

"How is it your fault?" I whispered, he stared at me for a few seconds.

"We were on tour and I met your brother, he was taking Kara to a back stage concert... I saw a picture of you in his wallet... and I said that you were beautiful. He asked if we wanted to meet you and we said sure..." Zayn whispered.

"Oh..." I whispered and Ashley made a disgusted sound while Sage screamed at him for a few seconds before bursting into tears and practically running out of the room.

"Really? That must've been really interesting!" Ashley said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up. Why would he lie about being taken here? Doesn't make sense, does it?" I snap at her.

"Don't be a bitch to my sister just because you believe Zayn and she doesn't." Harry shouted at me. I felt my eyes roll and look at Zayn. His shoulders are slumped and he looked exhausted.

"Bed time, baby?" I asked him and he looked slightly shocked.

"I thought you'd hate me..." he mumbled and I shook my head.

"No! I love you! You called me pretty!" I stated with a giggle. Although I was slightly mad, I couldn't help but still love him.

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