Chapter 22 ~ The Names *EDITED*

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The Ransom

Chapter 22 ~ The Names

                That night as I fell asleep, the only thought that kept swirling around my head was ‘my only problem a year ago was getting my math homework in on time and studying’. My dreams used to be so big, I wanted to go where everyone goes, and I wanted to know what everyone knows. Now… the only place I want to go is home… with Zayn and the twins, all I want to know is that I will be safe with Zayn, and my babies… my twins…

                Things have changed for me and that’s OK, I feel the same… Things are shaping up to be pretty odd, huh? One year ago, I never imagined my parents would be dead, I never imagined that I would be pregnant with twins – actually, I never imagined that I would be pregnant with twins, ever… but that’s besides this point.

                I wouldn’t go back to the life I had, I wouldn’t … I don’t why, I just wouldn’t. But if Nathan were to come in here right now and chop us all to bits, I wouldn’t mind that. I would be pretty scared, but I’d be ready, right now, even though I have things coming for me, I have truths on told, I feel like it’s complete…

                Maybe that’s just me, maybe I don’t understand me yet, maybe I don’t understand me just yet, but all I know is that this is coming to a good end, my story’s ending… for now… Of course, nothing good can last, nothing gold can stay…

                And as my last thoughts ended, so did every sound around me except one, the sentence ‘Goodnight for now, Demithen…’

                When I awoke, I was surprised at what I found; Nathan was hovering over me, “Morning sleepy head!” Nathan stated happily.

                “What are you doing..?” I grumbled to him, he grinned down at me.

                “I made you breakfast, you had a late night last night,” he said and handed me a tray, two aspirins, some orange juice, and a slice of already buttered toast sat on the wooden tray.

                “Nathan, what the hell are you up to?” I questioned him, closing my eyes and falling back onto the bed, feeling for the spot where Zayn was next to me.

                Nathan frowned down at me, “He’s in the bathroom, eat up! I made the rest of you guys some earlier…” Nathan bent down next to my ear, “If Serena asks, I didn’t say this to you, but she made me make you this…” he grumbled, I pretended to smile at him, suddenly wondering why we didn’t ever just take him down…

                ‘His stupid little henchmen,’ a voice in my mind told me, ‘that’s why you all haven’t just killed him already.’ 

                “Morning, Demi!” Serena said gleefully from the door way.

                “Morning, Ser…” I grumbled to her, she continued to grin at me although it faltered slightly when I didn’t smile back.

                “Can I have a moment alone with, Dem?” she questioned Nathan; he smiled at her, and kissed her cheek before nodding and walking out of the room.

                “What is it, Serena?” I grumbled to her.

                She nodded down at me, leaning down to whisper softly in my ear so that I barely heard her, “Do not trust him… I don’t, I don’t even love him, I hate his guts, I gagged when he told me he did, and then I thought that it was a way to get us out of here…” she mumbled in my ear so that I barely heard her whisper, “If he asks, I was telling you baby name ideas that I thought you should have, by the way, it should be Kane and Izzy, or Joseph and Marie…” she mumbled again and I nodded at her, smiling brightly.

                Now that it was less awkward, she flopped down on Zayn and mine’s bed, “What do you think of them, you can bring them up to Zayn later, and… you know, Harry,” she gleefully grumbled to me, I nodded at her.

                “They’re wonderful; I think I’ll stick with the first ones!” I said and smiled at her once again before realizing that I probably looked like the retarded penguin.

                “Kane and Izzy…” she whispered to me, “I don’t like Elizabeth, so just keep Izzy!”

                And, so I would keep Kane and Izzy. They were both cute names… Last year, I would have thought of something cute and farm girl like Marie and Joseph, but I don’t want to be the old me… Serena knew this when she offered Kane and Izzy to me. They were new me, the real me. Not the old me, not the fake me… just me.

                So... this chapter was out SUPER (MAN) late… J I’m so sorry though, I’m thinking about wrapping it up, actually I was thinking about making this the last chapter before the epilogue then book 2, but I decided against it. I’m thinking of Book 2’s title now… any suggestions? PLEASE IF YOU DO HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TITLE OF BOOK 2 LEAVE THEM IN THE COMMENTS BELOW! JESS AND I ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR GOOD IDEAS! J Thanks for sticking with us for the long – I mean extremely short almost three week delay… J

                And, if you would like this book to come to an end ( L ) just tell us and if you want another book ( J ) then we’ll make one, if not ( L ) then there is no point in making one, so just tell us, please? Thanks guys!

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