Chapter 16 ~ The Hour *EDITED*

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The Ransom

Chapter 16 ~ The Hour

I saw Nathan walk towards me, the saw still in his grasp. I began to feel scared, and tired, and all I wanted to to be was go back to being 'normal.' Whatever that is.

"Oh Demi...You look frightened," Nathan said, "That's not good.....Did I scare you?" he taunted some more.

I looked up at him, and he grabbed my wrist, pulling me up from the chair. I flinched, and he smirked. He basically carried me back to the room where Sage, Harry, Zayn and I were staying, for now. Good thing that no one in this room dies.

Nathan threw me into the room and slammed the door, I sat on the ground, not moving, shaking slightly. "Demi!" I heard Harry and Zayn say in unison.

I didn't answer, I didn't even squirm when Zayn picked me up and cradled me in his arms as he carried me back to the room. "Go get me some stuff to clean her up with, Haz. Sage, go get me some of her clothes.. she's a mess..." he mumbled to them and they scurried off.

He shook me a bit, but I just couldn't focus. I was too out of it, to even blink, "Look at me, Dem." he stated and brushed some hair out of my face. I shifted my eyes so that I was looking at him, but not in his eyes, because I couldn't find them in the haze of my own mind.

"Demi!" he said in a whisper-shout kind of way, "What happened in there? Did he kill someone, or just..Hurt them?"

I just started crying. Salty tears ran down my cheeks and I began to sob, why does Nathan have to kill everyone?

"Did he kill the person...?" Zayn asked in a more hesitant way.

I nodded, "He killed a girl named, Kady."

"I've never heard of her...." he mumbled.

"Yeah, neither had I, until today, when I watched her die." I mumbled as more salty tears ran down my face and Zayn pulled me into him.

"I'll let, Demi relax for an hour, then the next girl is going, bye bye!" Nathan shouted and laughed before the line kicked off and more tears flooded down my face.

"Relax.." Zayn said and rubbed small, soothing circles on my back. My sobs quieted down and I felt really sleepy and dehydrated as Harry and Sage came back in.

"Here's the stuff to wash her up..." Harry mumbled, obviously wanting to be the one that held me while I cried. Sage sighed and rolled her eyes at Harry.

"Here are some of her clothes! I got some darker colors so the stains would wash out for next time..." she mumbled and handed them to Zayn. He didn't even look at her before shooing them away and kissing my blood stained cheek. He seemed to like kissing my cheek...

Zayn stripped me down until I was only in the my bra and underwear before washing my body from all the blood and then clothing me in the loose outfit. I let him do this, not squirming, his eyes never left mine, and never wandered. 

"Zayn," I hiccuped, "I'm tired...."

"Me too. It's been a long day, but it's not over yet......" he mumbled. Oh that's right, I had to watch another death.

"I want to go to sleep!" I complained.

He gave me a weak smile and picked me up in his arms. Zayn carried me up farther on the bed and laid me down.

"Why does it have to be like this?" I asked him. I'm pretty sure my eyes were red and swollen.

"I don't know..." he whispered and stroked my hair and climbed into bed next to me, he cradled me in his arms and spooned his legs into mine. "Go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." he whispered into my ear and I fell into a light sleep. I could hear everything, but I couldn't see anything except black.

"I want her back!" someone argued with someone else.

"I know... you want her back, Harry. But, she really looks like she's in love with Zayn. I'm sorry!" a feminine voice argued back. I heard Harry groan and stomp around the place.

"She's pregnant with my child, too....She should be with me! I love her, I love her alot." he complained some more.

"Well, she's with Zayn, not you. Get a hold of yourself, Harry!" the other voice said again.

Harry was silent for a few moments, and the other girl, probably Sage, didn't say anything either. I rolled over covered my ears with a pillow. I didn't want to hear Harry and Sage fight anymore than I had to.

"Shut up, Demi's trying to sleep!" I heard Zayn hiss then settle down besides me. I rolled over and snuggled into his chest, the back of my fore arms pressed against his chest.

"Let's go in the other room and talk..." I heard Sage mumble to Harry and they walked out of the room, soon after I felt myself drift into a deep sleep that was filled with nightmares.

Screams of pain, monsters with bone saws, Nathan, Zayn dieing, the child in me getting hurt and dieing. Serena.

"By getting with Zayn. You saved you, Harry, and the baby, Demi! I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it on your own!" Serena's whispery voice told me, I nodded my floaty head and she smiled.

"You're glowing!" she stated happily and I looked down at my stomach for the bump. It had been there for a while.

"It's been there for a while, Ser." I stated and she giggled before starting her Ser-babble again.

"Do you miss me?" she asked randomly. I looked at her  with what I assume was a crazy face.

"Yes! You're my best friend. I'm so sorry... I miss you, Serena..." I stated and I burst into tears.

"I know you are, Demi, but you shouldn't be! How where you supposed to know! You're brother is crazy, it's not your fault. I'm just glad that you and Zayn are working out!" she stated happily. I nodded at my best friend and managed a weak smile.

"I have to go, Demi, Nathan's going to be here soon, don't let him see he affects you by killing these girls! But don't go crazy and act like you enjoy it either! Bye, Demi, love you sissy!" she stated, calling me sissy and disappearing.

I woke up, gasping for air. Zayn looked at me with a concerned look on his face, "Something wrong?"

"It was only a dream. How long have I been asleep?" I asked him.

His eyes widened as he spoke, "At least an hour..."

I mentally groaned and sat up straight on the bed. Zayn wrapped a protective arm around me and rubbed circle on my back.

"Did he tell you who he was going to kill next?" he asked me in soothing voice.

"Um..No...." I mumbled.

"Hello, everyone! I hope you're awake, especially you, Demi! Your hour is up!" Nathan's voice rang through the room, and then the line kicked off.

"It's time...for you to go back to the torture session...." Zayn wrapped me in a hug and gave me a kiss.

(remember, 5 comments and 10 votes til the next update! Or.. until next Friday! First commenter on every future chapter will get that chapters dedication!)

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