A helping hand

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        Mihoko marked another day off the calendar.
        "Guess who's six months old today!" She pointed dramatically at the little dumpling sitting in his boppy, surrounded by toys. "You are!!" She jumped in excitement. Naruto started giggling and dropped the toy he was holding to start clapping his hands. She bounced over over lifted him up high.
        "Look at my big boy!" She spun around slowly, careful not to make him dizzy. Naruto giggled loudly and swung his legs.
        "Are you always that happy?" A low voice drawled
        "And what if I am, Kakashi." She stuck her tongue out at him. Kakashi did the same, but his mask covered it. He's been coming over a lot more the past few months, especially at dinner time.
        "Haha, would you come sit with Naruto for a bit while I make dinner?"
        "Sure." He sat in front of Naruto and started having a mini staring competition.
        "I meant play with him, you goof. He loves being engaged." She pulled some food out of the fridge. "Do you like ramen? While Naruto mostly still eats baby food, he likes to eat the chopped up ramen I make for him as a side with his dinner. He seriously devours the stuff!" She chuckled.
        Kakashi picked Naruto up and held him out in front of him. He looked into his bright blue eyes, they reminded him of Minato's, as well as his hair.
        "He looks a lot like his papa, I understand." She came out and rested her hand on Kakashi's shoulder. "Kakashi, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here. Don't forget that you have people." She rubbed circles on his back before returning to the kitchen. His eyes followed her back into the kitchen.
        "Gaaah!!!" Naruto exclaimed as he pulled down Kakashi's mask.
        "He sounds excited! What are you-" She froze, before continuing her work in the kitchen.

He's really handsome.

No! Stop that! He's practically a kid.

        "Let's just pretend that didn't happen." Kakashi cleared his throat.
        "May I ask, why do you always wear a mask? You're very handsome." Mihoko finished cooking the noodles and turned the stove off.
        "It doesn't matter." His ears turned pink. "So What was it the Hokage wanted to see you for?" He held Naruto up from under his little arms and let him stand on his feet. To which Naruto happily kicked the ground and tried to run away. It ended up taking Mihoko a few months to actually get around to meeting with the Hokage.
        "He set up a monthly payment plan. Because it's just the two of us, he said it wouldn't be fair to force me into more work while raising Naruto. So now we have enough to buy food, water, and power each month." She poured the warm broth into each bowl, then a little into Naruto's.
        "Can you make sure his diaper is clean before dinner? Wouldn't want him sitting in it while he eats." Mihoko places the bowls in the table, along with Naruto's main dinner of vegetable baby food.
        "You want me to change him?" He asked after checking.
        "If you wouldn't mind." She continued preparing a few quick side dishes.
        "Er, how do I do that?" He held Naruto on his hip like a little mommy.
        "Take him to his room, take off the diaper, then use the wipes to clean him up. After that, just put a new diaper on, and make sure you check if it's the front or back. That is your S rank mission!" Mihoko giggled.
        "Okay." He carried Naruto to his room and followed her instructions, though with a bit of trouble.
        "He keeps trying to get away!!" Kakashi panicked as a half clean Naruto tried to roll over and escape.
        "Just hold his legs up and out of the way, then he can't roll over, and it's easier to clean him." Mihoko shouted from the dining area, having finally finished preparing the last of the food for dinner.
        "He keeps trying to kick me!" Kakashi yelled, trying to finish cleaning him.
        "Here," Mihoko joined him, "let me help." She held Naruto's legs and finished wiping him.
        "There! Who's a happy clean boy! Naruto is!" She clasped his onesie and gave him a big hug.
        "Now! Let's go eat! I made you some ramen! But you have to eat your healthy food first!" Naruto grunted. She carried him into the dining room and set him in his little baby seat.
        "You'll be more comfortable eating with us now, won't you? I've already seen you without your mask after all." Kakashi usually always eats after they've finished.
        "I guess it wouldn't change much." He lowered his mask as he sat down.

Heart! Stop beating so fast?!


        "He's asleep." Mihoko whispered after closing the door to Naruto's room.
        "Thanks for the meal." Kakashi faced the door. "I hope you know I really mean it." He pulled his mask up.
        "Kakashi." Mihoko sighed. She walked over and wrapped her arms around him.
        "Just, don't ever let yourself feel lonely, okay? I'll always be here." She turned him so he faced her, and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Gosh, you're getting so tall! We're almost the same height!" She chuckled.
        "I'll be taller than you by the time I'm 15." He said smugly.

"Oh? I guess we'll have to see! By that time, I'll be 17." She grinned, then softened into a worried smile.
        "You sure you wouldn't like to stay with us?" She lifted his chin as he tried to look away.
        "I'm doing some special training. So I can't." He pulled away.
        "Well, if you ever change your mind, our door is always open to you." She gave him one last big hug, and his head rested on her shoulder as he returned it.
        "Be safe, little brother."

Crap! That's what I call Naruto!

        "Please don't call me that." Kakashi pulled away and opened the door.
        "I didn't mean it! I just, it just came out.."
        "See you later." He left.
        "I hope I didn't mess things up between us. I must've made him uncomfortable because of my enthusiasm to be close to him, and make him feel like part of our little family." Mihoko sighed.
        "Be safe, my young Kakashi." She left the room and went to bed.

        "You really don't get it, huh." Kakashi left, having hidden by the door to listen.

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