His first night

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        "Lord third, what about the child? You can't possibly keep it in the village! It's a danger to us all!" Voices shouted over each other as the village decided the fate of one innocent child.
        "Silence! He is no threat unless threatened! He shall live in his parents old home, he'll be fed and clothed. Because of his father, he will be named an Uzumaki, to protect him from the enemies of Minato-" The Hokage spoke firmly.
        "Who will raise it?! Surely not anyone here would claim that monster!"
        "He is no monster, the beast has been sealed within him. However, he is still quite dangerous and none will need to raise hi-" The Hokage spoke like a coward.
        "Hiruzen!" A young woman broke through the murmuring. She stood tall with hair like a glimmering sunset.
        "What is it, Mihoko." He looked up from his seat, staring harshly into her burning ocean eyes.
        "You intend to have this child raise himself? To know no love as he grows? Hated by the people HIS PARENTS DIED to protect?!" Her spirit was riled with injustice.
        "You can not possibly ask of anyone to raise such a child. He is a danger to the village with the Nine Tails within him." He spoke clearly.
        "I agree! We should honestly kill the child while the Nine Tails is still chained to it!" A cruel voice spouted.
        "How dare you! Did your wife not bare you yourself a son?! Not four months ago! Your young son Choji! Tell me, if you and your dearest gave your life to save him, and then the people you protected turned and killed your only son, would you be content?!!" Mihoko clenched her jaw. He was silent.
        "I see, you seem to finally understand the simplest part of what your words mean." Mihoko turned towards her Hokage.
        "Mihoko, still, how could you force a child into an unwilling family? Would they truly treat him justly?" He sighed.
        "You named him an Uzumaki, yes?" She stared down at him with unwavering eyes.
        "Yes, Uzumaki Naruto, named by his parents."
        "Then by law of clan, he belongs to me now. I, Uzumaki Mihoko, will be his guardian from this day on."
        "Mihoko! You're only 16! You cannot possibly take care of a child at your age!" An Uchiha cried out.
        "My parents were killed by the beast tonight." Tears threatened to break her composure as the reality settled in her heart, but she stayed strong.
       "I am alone, and he is the only member of my clan left in this village besides myself. I may be young, but I will raise him properly. You cannot stop me, Hiruzen, he his my kin." Mihoko left the room to an uproar of people calling to her, begging her to rethink her decision, claiming how no man would have her because of the child. She paused at the door.
        "His name, is Naruto." The look in her eyes told them the rest.
        "Lord Hokage! You couldn't possibly let her!"
        "She's too young! And he's too dangerous!"

        Mihoko walked down the hall to the room they had quarantined. Opening the door, she walked quietly to the whimpering cries within the little heap he had been laid upon. Only covered by his fathers old Hokage coat. She knelt down and reached for the little one, holding him close to her bosom.
        "Oh, my dear little one. I will not let you be alone. We only have each other now, little Naruto."

        With those words, she wrapped him snuggly in his fathers coat, and left.

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