5 years

734 46 7

Mihoko was half awake when she heard her door creak open, and little footsteps shuffle toward her bed. The end of the bed dipped as he pulled himself up into its surface, and wobbled as he crawled over to her side and wiggled himself under the blankets before reaching over and wrapping his arms around her arm.
"Did you have another nightmare?" She turned and wrapped him in her arms. He nodded and nuzzled himself into her chest.
"Naruto," she kissed his head, "I'll always be here to protect you. Let's get some sleep." She rubbed his back softly. Naruto wiggled into a more comfortable position before drifting back to sleep.
"If only you could live a normal life." She ran her fingers through his golden yellow hair. "I promise, I'll never let anyone hurt you." She whispered as she drifted off to sleep.


"Mihoko? Mihoko." She felt a hand shake her shoulder lightly before changing tactics and stroking her cheek. She kept her eyes closed and groaned in response.
"Mihoko~" The hand slid down her arm, then flung the blankets off the bed, leaving her exposed to chill.
"Hey!" She flung herself up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before staring daggers into her assailant.
"Hatake Kakashi!" She jumped out of bed and chased him down the halls to the kitchen. He moved around the table, constantly changing directions to avoid her.
"Aneki!!!!" Naruto leapt from nowhere and grabbed onto Kakashi's back.
"Ahhh!" Kakashi pretended to be wounded." I've been attacked by the Hokage! He's too powerful!" He fell to the floor face-first, with Naruto laughing on his back.
"Pft, alright you little babies, you play in the living room! I gotta make some breakfast." Kakashi scoffed in annoyance at being called a baby behind her back as Mihoko turned away and began retrieving food from the fridge.
"No ramen!!! We eat healthy in the morning!" Mihoko laughed. Naruto huffed and returned to wrestling Kakashi on the floor.
"He's become so good to him.." Mihoko whispered to herself, watching quietly with longing eyes. Kakashi happened to catch her gaze, returning it with one that's intent she could not discern, something strange seemed to light in that gaze, till Naruto jumped onto his head and broke the tension.
Mihoko finished up in the kitchen, placing the plates onto the table.
"Now, let's hurry and eat so we can meet up with Sasuke today!"
"Sasuke!!!!!!" Naruto jumped up and ran to his seat.
"So, hows life been?" Mihoko gazed over at Kakashi as he sat down.
"It's been fine." He answered abruptly, lowering his mask to eat.
"Are you okay? Did something happen?" His tone worried her, and sent her into big sister mode.
"Please, I don't.... let's just eat. I have a mission and you're going to the Uchiha clan to see Sasuke. We can chat later." He smiled, but only with his mouth. Mihoko rested her hand on his, rubbing it with her thumb.
"I'm always here if you need to talk. I hope you know that." He wouldn't look her in the eyes.
"Kakashi! Why are you not listening to Mihoko!!" Naruto spat food all over the table in his tantrum.
"Naruto, careful! You goose!" Mihoko chuckled, wiping off the table with her napkin.
"I need to go." Kakashi finished his meal and stood.
"Kakashi, wait!" Mihoko grabbed his arm. "Please, come talk with me tonight. I really don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me. I care about you." She stood and wrapped her arms around him, gently embracing him.
"Okay." He spoke hesitantly, letting himself embrace her. He'd have to say something soon...


"Narutoooo!!!!" They charged at each other at the Uchiha gate. Sasuke and Itachi had waited at the gate for awhile waiting for Naruto and Mihoko to arrive.
"Hello, Itachi." Mihoko rubbed the top of his head. "I heard you joined the anbu!" Mihoko tried to be happy for him, he was only 13, and in the anbu.....
"Thank you." Itachi nodded with a ghost of a smile. He used to be such a happy child.
"How's your little girlfriend~?" Mihoko teased. Itachi blushed and tried to keep calm. It was hilarious to watch.
"Izumi... she's not my.. my girlfriend.." His blush darkened.
"Didn't sound very convincing, little Itachi~" She slung her arm around his shoulders and laughed.
"RAAASWngOoWNni!!" Naruto yelled gleefully, mimicking his fathers technique as Mihoko had taught him.
"I'm gonna use my Sharingan! WaHhhhh!" Sasuke opened his eyes as wide as he could, trying to activate it.
"Aren't they precious?" Mihoko rubbed Itachi's shoulders affectionately. "You were around their age when I met you, you used to be so tiny!" She giggled, reminiscing.

"I hope this never ends."

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