Cherry Blossom Spring

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(Year 10)
"Sasuke! Naruto! Wait up!" Sakura ran as fast as she could to catch up.
"You're too slow, you'll never be a great kunoichi like this." Sasuke drawled. Sakura's cheeks burned with her eyes.
"Sasuke! That's not nice! Sakura, you're gonna be the best kunoichi ever!" Naruto held out his hand, which she took happily.
"Thank you Naruto. And Sasuke, I'll prove that I can be the greatest kunoichi in the village, even though I have no kekkei genkai! And no ninja heritage! I'll get strong on my own!" Determination burned in her aquamarine eyes, making them sparkle brilliantly. Or was that just how Sasuke saw them? She caught up to them and held their hands between them, though she held onto Sasuke a little tighter. When he tightened his own hand a bit, she blushed and avoided looking at him.
"Boys! Wait for us!" Mihoko called over with a laugh, her sky blue dress fluttering around her. Kakashi took the basket from her arm, kissed her on the cheek, and told her to go ahead with them. She pulled down his mask enough to kiss his nose before running to the children.
"Mama!" Naruto jumped when she snuck up behind him and tickled his neck. Sasuke and Sakura stopped to laugh at him, before getting tickled themselves. Kakashi finally caught up and they continued their way to the picnic spot amidst the cherry blossom trees.
"Sakura, you know, when I grow up, I'm gonna be Hokage! Just like my dad!" He smiled from ear to ear.
"Your dad was the best hokage! He was so awesome!" Sakura had stars in her eyes the way she always did when Naruto talked about his father and mother, who she admired greatly due to his and Mihoko's stories. Sasuke scoffed and ignored them both, only stealing glances once in awhile.
"Sasuke, don't you think the blossoms are extra beautiful this year? With all the rain we had, the trees must've grown a whole lot!" She wrapped an arm around him and scooted closer to him. He sighed and slumped against her, letting her play with his hair.
        "Though, I guess they're not nearly as beautiful as our little Sakura, hm?" She teased him, he quickly pulled away and faced the ground in an attempt to hide the color in his cheeks.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to tease you so terribly!" Mihoko chuckled, poking his cheek. "But I do believe she's had eyes for you for quite some time now, don't you know?"
        She thought back to her first meeting with the little Sakura at school. She was only eight at the time, and had short blushingly pink hair, just like cherry blossoms. She was terribly adorable with round cheeks and big bright greenish eyes that twinkled every time she looked at Sasuke. She wasn't very strong at the time, and often complained of her weakness, judging herself harshly.
"You know, little blossom, you become what you think and feel. If you only think of yourself badly, you will become bad at everything! So we need to think only happy good thoughts!" Mihoko had caught Sakura practicing her kunai and speaking to herself angrily when she came to pick up her boys. Sakura had jumped when she appeared behind her, as she had been too focused on her own failures to notice her coming.
"My parents already think it's weird for me to want to be a kunoichi, how am I supposed to be so happy so easily?" She spoke exasperatedly.
"Little one, it's never easy to overcome hard things, that's why they're hard! But if you practice and train right, you'll definitely get better!"
"Mihoko! I'm hungry." Sasuke had wandered over to her and grasped her hand firmly. Little Sakura's eyes had widened.
        "You're Mihoko?! Sasuke's new momma!?!" Her whole aura changed to sparkling joy. From then on, she was happily invited over and joined them on many adventures. Also because she was just so darn cute, Mihoko couldn't keep her hands off her chubby little cheeks.

        Those memories always warmed Mihoko's heart. She toyed with Sasuke's hair again, twirling strands with her fingers, and messaging his head unconsciously. He leaned against her again quietly. It was something familiar, each time she spoke to him that way, it made him happy.
        "Mihoko aneki?" He whispered.
        "Yes, Sasuke darling?" She kissed the top of his head.
        "Thanks, I'm sorry I don't say it enough." He bit his lip and avoided her eyes.
"Oh, my dearest little Sasuke." Warmth filled her heart as she wrapped him tightly in her arms. "I love you so much."

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