Getting to know you

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        Mihoko wrapped him in a sling around her chest and slipped into a 24hr store that had only just reopened after the attack a few hours ago.
        "Excuse me, but what kind of formula do you recommend for newborns?" The cashier woman looked her up and down before answering.
        "You're a bit young to be a mother." She pursed her lips.
        "I know. Now can you help me find the formula? My little one is hungry." Mihoko was careful to hide his hair and face, and never gave out his name, avoiding the topic when the woman asked.
        "Right this way." The older woman sighed.
        "Thank you so much!" Mihoko hurried after her. She gathered up some diapers, formula, and some cute baby clothes she found. As she thought more about the essentials, she added baby soap, bottles, socks, and some little hats.
        "The hats should help hide your hair, little one. I hope it'll help keep attention away from us." She whispered to him, continuing her soft bouncing to keep him calm.
        "This is all, thank you." She put all of her items on the table.
        "Doesn't look like you prepared well before the birth..." the cashier woman arched her brow.
        "Doesn't, does it? Here's the money." Mihoko ignored the woman's probing questions and continued humming to Naruto. She thanked the chashier woman and left with her loot.
        "I'm gonna need to go on more missions to pay for our stuff." She sighed.
        "But don't you dare worry about me! I chose this, I chose to raise you with love. To give you a family! And I will never let you down.... well, I'll try anyway." She closed the door to her home and walked inside.
        "It's so quiet." Mihoko put everything down in the living area and made a few bottles of formula.
        "Let's go to bed, little fox."


        Naruto's cries woke her up for the third time that night. His sobs echoed from the little box next to her bed she had filled with pillows and thick warm blankets (a temporary solution till she can buy or make a bed tomorrow).
        "Shhh~ shhhh~ I'm here, don't worry little one." She held him close and very gently bounced him in her arms as she spoke to him. Tears fell from her eyes as she looked upon his little face.
        "You lost your parents tonight, but you're not alone, you know? I.. I lost mine too." She choked down her sobs. "But hey, we have each other now! And we'll be happy together. Don't you worry." His face slowly changed from pained to calm. His mouth roamed her chest as he grunted.
        "Oh! You're hungry again! Newborns have a crazy appetite." She hurried him to the fridge and pulled out one of the bottles she made earlier. She placed it in the microwave for a few second, shook it, and tested the temperature on the back of her hand.
        "Crap, it needs to cool off a bit." Naruto began to fuss again, grasping at her nightgown.
        "Hold on, little fox, it'll be ready in a minute!" Mihoko lifted him into a vertical position near her shoulder and patted him gently.
        "You know, your mom had a good friend in the Uchiha clan. Mikoto, I think. I bet we'll need to find her and ask for some advice!" She chuckled faintly and checked the bottle again.
        "Perfect!" Mihoko adjusted Naruto again and placed the bottle nipple to his lips. He wiggled a bit before latching onto it.
        "There you go, eat up. We want you to grow up big and strong like your papa!" She cradled him close as he ate. Mihoko stared down at the tiny baby in her arms, illuminated by the moon shining throw the window. His tiny hands as he tried to grasp the bottle, his little lips puckered around its nipple. His little cheeks with precious whiskers.

"I hope you don't grow up too fast."

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