Three Months Old

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        "Is that a tooth?!" Mihoko lifted Naruto up as he giggled and smiled very gumily. "You must be an early bloomer! Look at my big boy!" She chuckled.
        "Would you like to visit your friend Sasuke today! He may be a few months advanced, but someday, I know you'll be equal!" She pulled him close again and gave him a soft hug. Mihoko's ears twitched.
        "I hope that you know, if you try to hurt my child, I'll kill you before you can take another breath." Her aura completely changed as she stared into the corner.
        "Geez, I'm not gonna hurt the kid." A young boy with white hair came out from his hiding place.
        "Wait, aren't you one of Minato's team members? What's your name?" She hadn't yet relaxed.
        "Hatake Kakashi, and yeah, Namikaze Minato was my teams leader." He crossed his arms.
        "Oh, well, it's nice to meant you." She reached out her hand. He just stared at her with a bored expression. She'd heard about what happened to his team, how they died, not to mention his own parents. Her instinct was to wrap him into a big hug. But it's probably better the strange woman raising his sensei's child doesn't do that...
        "So, What brings you here?" Mihok brough her attention back to Naruto.
        "Lord Third asks that I bring you and Naruto with me to meet with him. He says it's important." He turned away and headed towards the door. "So, you coming?" He looked back.
        "Hold on, I still need to feed and change Naruto, not to mention his nap time is coming up."
        "Wow, you've really turned into a mother hen." Kakashi drawled. While she'd only seen him from afar, and vice Vera, he seemed to know a bit about her, leaving her at a disadvantage.
        "And I bet you still sneak inappropriate books from the adult store." She scoffed, heading over to the kitchen. His face turned pink. Kushina had gotten onto Minato to straighten Kakashi out once.
        "There we are~" She gave Naruto the bottle, he tried grasping it with his hands, only to fumble. Very cutely though.
        "So, how did you know about the books...?" Kakashi had joined us in the kitchen and sat on the counter.
        "Well, Kushina told me, and Minato told her." Mihoko tried to suppress her laughter as she remembered the time Kushina and her laughed about the little white haired pervert while Minato tried to defend him by saying he was well trained.
        "He ratted me out?" Kakashi rolled his eyes.
        "Afraid so." She pulled the empty bottle away and began burping Naruto. "Such a good eating boy!" She praised.
        "He can't understand you, ya'know."
        "It's the tone and emotion that matters. He knows it's good when I praise him."
        "So, when can we head off to meet with the Hokage?" Kakashi looked at the clock that hung in the wall.
        "Well, he naps for about two or two and a half hours, so Hiruzen will have to wait." Naruto stopped trying to look around, and laid his head on Mihoko's shoulder, slowly drifting off to sleep.
        "Why do you call the Hokage Hiruzen? Isn't it disrespectful?" Kakashi looked her in the eyes.
        "Yup." She answered bluntly while heading to Naruto's room, next to her own.
        "There we go, my sweet darling~, sleep well." She kissed the top of his head and covered him in a blanket she had made from one of Kushina's old dresses.
        "I think you should just tell Hiruzen to call another time. We have plans with the Uchiha later."
        "You know Mikoto?" He cocked his head.
        "Yeah, we've been spending time together for the past three months, about three to four days during the week. I help her with chores around the house while Itachi watches the babies play together in the side room. She's really helped me these past months." She smiled.
        "I guess I'll go tell him the news." He turned to leave. "By the way, you don't need to talk down to me, I'm not a kid, I'll be taller than you soon too."
        "Hah, you're two years younger than me, you're still a kid to me."
        "A year and three quarters." He groaned, before hopping out the window.
        "Geez, kid, there's a door for a reason..."


        "Mikoto! I'm back!" Mihoko called out, Naruto hung snuggly in the carrier on her back, playing with the Uzumaki symbol on the back of her top.
        "Welcome back! Sasuke and Itachi are I the side room, you can drop Naruto off if you'd like. I'm getting ready to make dinner." Mikoto smiled as she pulled out pots and pans in the kitchen.
        "I think he'd like to see his best friend Sasuke! What do you say, Naruto?" He gargle a response.
        "I'll take that as a yes!" Mihoko carefully removed the carrier and carried Naruto to the side room. She laid him on his back next to Sasuke under the baby gym toy. They both giggled and swiped at the dangling toys.
        "You're both so precious, I wish you could stay tiny forever."

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