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        "Kakashi?" Mihoko ran her hand through his hair, stirring him from his sleep.
        "Mmh?" He replied softly, his eyes still closed.
        "Kakashi, could you help me carry the boys to bed?" They had all fallen asleep under the kotatsu after eating ice cream and playing games.
        "Mkay." He crawled to his knees and scooped up Naruto, who groaned and wrapped his arms around his neck. Mihoko kissed Sasuke's forehead before lifting him into her arms.
"My little darlings." Mihoko tiredly kissed Naruto's forehead, then Kakashi's.
"Oh! Sorry Kakashi, I guess you're not a kid anymore, haha." Mihoko wiped the kiss on his forehead, oblivious to his obvious blush.
"Let's go my little babies." She yawned and headed up the stairs to their rooms. She changed Sasuke into his pajamas, whilst Kakashi did the same with Naruto, then tucked them into bed. She kissed both their foreheads again before closing their door softly.
"I guess I'll be off then." Kakashi rubbed his sleepy eyes.
"You can stay," she pondered her words only a moment before her unconscious desire escaped her tired lips. "There's room for two in my bed if you don't spread out too much." She couldn't help the blush that burned her cheeks. He wordlessly followed her, unable to really say anything. She took a quick shower and waited for him to finish his own, as no one was allowed anywhere near her bed unless they were clean. He came out in a pair of pajama bottoms she hardly used cause they were too big. They were fluffy and grey with white stars.
"Kakashi?? Where is your shirt?"
"Huh? Oh! Sorry! I don't usually sleep with it!" He turned to retrieve it from the bathroom.
"It's alright, it's probably sweaty from earlier anyway. Wouldn't be nice to sleep in." She turned away, tugging at her nightgown, trying to swallow her thoughts.
"Yeah, you're right." To her horror, he seemed to be picking up on her actions.
"Are you alright, Mihoko? Your face is red."
"I'm fine!" She buried herself under the covers. He hesitantly lifted the covers and slid inside. They lay there for a few moments before the awkward aura all but killed them.
"So, seeing anyone lately?" Mihoko blurted, her honest curiosity pushing past her 'okay things to ask without looking nosey' barrier.
"No." He answered bluntly.
"Why not? You're twenty two, you're handsome, young, and you've read enough erotica to be proficient enough in romance, right?"
"Twenty three."
"I'm twenty three." He lifted himself onto his elbow, almost glaring down at her.
"I'm so sorry, I guess I forgot. You were away on your birthday, weren't you?" Mihoko sighed. Her heart suddenly made her think about their year and a half age difference. It seemed so small now that they were both in their twenties.
"Yeah, I was away." He picked up a strand of her fiery hair and played with it mindlessly. It made her giggle.
"We're like a little old married couple, laying in bed, chatting, you playing with my hair."
"Well, we certainly don't look it." He chuckled, his heart warmed with thoughts of what it would be like.
"Maybe you do, with your white hair and all!" She poked his cheek playfully.
"Oh haha!" He grabbed her jaw, pushing in her cheeks and making her lips pucker out like a fish.
"You're absolutely adorable." His sleepy honesty slipped through his lips like water. He let go of her. Her heart burned within her. It was like a dream the ways she felt so free, enough to say those words.
"When I first met you," she looked up at him reminiscently, "you were so cute and small, I thought I could see you like a little brother." Her hand brushed against his cheek, a sense of courage rising in her heart.
"But I never could, no matter how I tried... I just, fell by accident..." Her lips found his in a flurry of what could only be described as reckless abandon. He hardly hesitated pulling her closer, kissing her more enthusiastically.
        Their hearts seemed to implode simultaneously with hope and wonder, fulfilled by the others reception of their heart. Mihoko ran her fingers through his hair while her other hand supported her. Kakashi could hardly contain his emotions, hardly wanting to stop, barely able to keep his hands in her hair alone.
"Kakashi," she pulled away slightly, "I love you, not like a brother, not like a friend. I love you, as a man... whom I have cared deeply for these past years. A man who has helped me during the hardest moments of my life, always there, holding me, comforting me, and always so patient." She remembered the night on the dock as her mind filled with him, and all the time he'd been there to help with the boys.
"I've loved you for so long, longer than I even knew I loved you. You've always been so kind and gentle, you're always there for me, even when I push you away. And you're great with kids, never raising your voice or giving into Naruto when he demands ramen for breakfast and encourages Sasuke to join him." They both laughed.
        "I love you, I love you. I wish there was a more powerful way to say it!" He wrapped her in his arms and cuddled her closely. They lay for a time, listening, speaking, and leaving little kisses.
He was hers, and she was his, finally.

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