Alone in a corner

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alone in a corner,

with nobody with me,

alone in a corner,

I have cried a whole sea,

the past is what hurts,

It makes me bleed,

bleed from my eyes,

a clear sad sea,

alone in a corner,

is where you'll find me,

alone in a corner,

in a day dream,

the dream is an escape,

of the life I wish to live,

I try to stay forever,

but I cannot have that gift,

leave my land of happy dreams,

and cry a new sea,

I wish I could sail it,

to a new land of peace,

my life is a book,

on a dusty old shelf,

forgotten and alone,

without anyone else,

in the old chapters of my memories,

I used to be happy and  free,

but now I am not,

since this is the life I lead,

I want to change it though,

and re-write the script,

will anyone save me?,

from this life of horror without any peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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