1. Introduction

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Chapter 1- April 4th 2024- "Introductions"

57th floor- Marten

It has been a year and a half since Sword Art Online became the world's first death game. In that time thousands have died. For some of the remaining people, Aincrad has become accepted as their reality. Others see it as only temporary until the game is cleared, simply eking out their lives until the time comes. But for those on the front lines, every day is a struggle to survive. To live through fight after fight while pushing on to clear the game, if not for themselves then for all those stuck in this horrific trap.

In the city of Marten on the 57th floor the strongest players in the game, those part of the assault team, begin to prepare themselves for the fight to floor 58. The cathedral within the city acts as their forward headquarters. Here the leaders of all the top guilds gather to discuss plans and share information gathered by their parties.

Whilst the guilds all technically have equal authority in matters regarding the assault team, the strongest among them, The Knights of the Blood Oath, hold the final say in most planning. Standing as the representative for The Knights is their second in command, Asuna. A true warrior and well known for being pragmatic, driven and ruthless, she is determined to see the end of the game and to return to the real world.

Asuna paces at one end of the cathedral. This is the part about clearing a floor which she dislikes the most. The waiting for scouting reports of the next labyrinth and the slow push toward the next gruelling floor boss battle. Normally she would be on the frontline clearing the dungeon herself, but since being promoted to second in command her role had become much less about the fighting and more about the inter-guild politics. At least once the boss is located she can go back to being just another warrior in the assault team. But until then she must play her part, and if it leads to clearing the game as fast as possible then so be it.

Elsewhere in the cavernous cathedral other guilds discuss what they have found on the floor and the challenges they must face. But almost as if by instinct they keep their voices low. As if this construct of 1's and 0's is a real place of worship. Perhaps it would have been before Akihiko Kayaba decided to turn the game into this twisted hell. Asuna thought to herself.

Her train of thought was interrupted by another player approaching. A boy with short spiked hair, deep green eyes and carrying a spear. Asuna knew him well, Tyzn. He was reliable in battle and one of the best mappers in the assault team, but suffered the same pig-headed stubbornness that seems to affect all solo players.

"Hey Asuna" he said "got some new map data."

"Let's see" Asuna replied quickly. Tyzn transferred his collected map information and Asuna began looking over the sprawling dungeon. As expected this labyrinth was more complex than the last, as that had been to the one before. "Still no boss room though" Asuna sighed.

"I had to turn back here" Tyzn responded, pointing at an incomplete section of the map. "If I had to guess the boss room will be just behind the mobs that block this corridor, I didn't have any healing items left at this point though."

"I see" Asuna said in a low voice. "I'll send a scouting party to investigate this area then".

"No need, I'm just going to stock up on items then I'm going back in, I'll leave behind a corridor crystal if I do find the boss door though." Tyzn said before turning to walk away.

"Hold on!" Asuna said in a raised voice. Tyzn stopped but didn't turn back to face her. "It's getting dangerous for parties to travel with fewer than four people inside a dungeon, let alone for a solo player. At least take a few members of my guild with you."

"Nah, I work faster alone" Tyzn replied over his shoulder.

"Ergh! I'm getting sick and tired of this with you solo players, always thinking that nothing can stop you and then you wind up dying and nobody is any the wiser." Asuna said in a raised voice.

Tyzn stood still and quiet for a few seconds before responding "Don't worry about me, I'll be back soon."

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