7. Revelations

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Chapter 7- August 23rd 2024- "Revelations"

48th floor- Lindarth

I slowly made my way back to Lisbeth's smith shop, torn between sprinting my way there to see her again and running the opposite direction to avoid the scorn I was going to receive. As I meandered my way around the waterways I received a message from Asuna.

Hey, just thought I'd let you know I've set up Tori in a new home in Algade. I know a merchant there who is going to keep an eye on her for us. It was the least I could do after how I treated her after all the help she gave us. Let me know when you are back on the frontlines and enjoy your time with Liz ;).


I felt a rush of relief hit me as I thought about how Tori was safe but something was off.

Wait what did she say at the end? How the hell does she know about me going to Liz? And what exactly does she think me and Liz are up to? Has Liz said something to her about me? Or is it just that she's seen me leave there and is trying to taunt me after what I said to her and Kirito?

My mind was abuzz with questions and implications of that message. Whatever the reasons my pace quickened.

I pushed my way into Lisbeth's shop and nearly fell straight over a small wooden crate inside. The floor was strewn with piles of weapons and half-filled boxes. The door to the workshop swung open and Liz came in carrying another box full of things. She placed it on the counter top and then snapped her neck around to me with a screech.

"Whoa what the hell don't sneak in here like that!" she screamed.

"It's not my fault you can't hear your own bell" I chuckled. Liz deftly pounced over the boxes and weapons on the floor and grabbed me by the collar, staring angrily at me.

"What happened to the second rule huh?" she asked in a raised tone.

"I'll have you know I was just in fight yesterday alongside Kirito and probably saved his life!"

"That's the third rule you dummy!" Liz screamed followed by a thump on the chest.

"Ow! Ok I'm sorry, I've just been busy trying to track down Laughing Coffin." Liz's eyes went wide and her mouth opened slightly in shock.

"L-Laughing Coffin, the murder guild?" She asked almost trembling.

"Yeah..." I responded confused.

THUMP! She punched me square in the chest again, except harder this time.

"You god-damn reckless idiot. Are you trying to get yourself killed? If they find out you are following them they will kill you!"

"Whoa calm down, we took them down yesterday. That's what the fight was."

Liz let go of my collar and quietly asked. "So I know you and Kirito was there, was Asuna too?"

"Yeah it was her plan."

Liz turned around and shrugged her shoulders. "Good god, my friends are all idiots" She said under her breath. Liz began stomping her way around the shop picking up items and putting them in storage crates.

"So... what's going on Liz? Looks like a bomb went off in here." Liz glared up at me.

"It's called doing an inventory dumbass. I'll melt down anything too low level to be in demand now to make something better."

"Oh, well do you need a hand?" I asked, trying to work my way back into her good graces.

"You know what after all the stress you just caused you can. Anything over there" she said pointing to a pile of a weapons "Can go into the crate next to them." I nodded and got to work.

After a few hours the shop was almost tidy again. Liz hadn't said much at all but I was content to just be in the same room as her. 'God you're such a loser' I could hear my older brother say in the back of my mind.

Liz suddenly broke my train of thought by asking "So are Kirito and Asuna ok?"

"Yeah they're good, they seem to finally be coming to terms with the fact that they like each other." I said mockingly. I saw Liz flinch slightly at that, which quickly wiped the smile from my face. "What's up?"

"Nothing" Liz replied "that's good for them, they both deserve to be happy." Something was clearly wrong and it took me a few seconds to parse what it was. Then it hit me in the gut like a freight train. Liz fancies Kirito! I guess it was always a little naive of me to think that a girl like Liz could like a guy like me. But even so it still hurt. Just man up and get back to work! I heard in my head as I finished filling the last crate.

Once it was all done Liz asked to see my gear for maintenance. When she saw the state of my chest piece she gave me a glare and shook her head. "Wow you assault team guys are all so reckless" she said whilst repairing all my gear.

As I equipped the last of my newly repaired gear I forced a smile and said "Thanks again Liz, I promise one week from now I'll be back."

"You better because next time you're late I might refuse you service" she said with a wave. As the door closed behind me I took a deep breath and walked on. No time to wallow in self-pity I told myself.

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