2. Whirlwind

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Chapter 2- June 28th 2024- "The Whirlwind"

48th floor- Lindarth

I walked along one of the canals of Lindarth desperately trying to decipher the map I had of the place.

It's odd how I can navigate a cryptic labyrinth without a problem, but I can't seem to work out this damn town I thought to myself. The usual methods for highlighting directions such as follow the canal or second left after the waterwheel doesn't apply when every damn house is both on a canal and has a waterwheel.

I had come to find a particular blacksmith, rumoured to be one of the best in all of SAO. It was said that she forged a powerful sword for the black swordsman, Kirito, himself. I had seen him in action in boss raids before and his combat technique was impressive to say the least, so if this blacksmith could forge weapons acceptable to the famous Kirito then she could surely help me out I mused.

A few minutes later I managed to find the place I was looking for. A hanging sign read "Lisbeth's Smith Shop" with a picture of a helmet prominently displayed. "Finally, hope it's worth the hassle" I sighed as I entered the shop. A bell above the door chimed as I entered which was shortly followed by a voice calling out "Be with you in a minute" and the grinding of metal. As I waited I inspected the wares on display. There was a myriad of katanas, long swords and daggers, but when it came to my weapons of choice it seemed like there was few options.

Suddenly the grinding stopped and I heard footsteps approaching. As I turned to the opening door I was met by a truly dazzling sight. In the doorway stood the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, a girl with bright pink hair and freckles on her cheeks wearing the most amazing smile I had ever seen. Even her outfit cried of cuteness and I felt my heart jump into my throat at the mere sight of her.

"Welcome to Lisbeth's Blacksmith Shop" she called "What can I help you with?"

All I could do was stand there like a deer in the headlights. JUST SAY SOMETHING my mind screamed. "Errr... Hi" I managed to squeeze out before gulping slightly. "I was wondering do you have any glaives or can you make one for me?"

Lisbeth squinted at me and replied "Why would you want a glaive specifically? It has the same attributes as spears but less reach. Look if you are just looking for something cool to use you're in the wrong place, I'm busy making weapons for people who are actually trying to clear the game."

"Oh no I am seriously looking to upgrade, a standard spear doesn't have the large blade to counter properly and a glaive is easier to use up close in a fight."

"Yeah that makes sense... And what are you fighting exactly?" Lisbeth responded mockingly.

"Well I'm on the frontlines most of the time so that changes often" I retorted.

"Hmmm, but you don't have a guild icon." Lisbeth said while continuing to squint at me.

"I'm a solo player so I'm not in a guild" I replied. Why does everyone seem to have a problem with that I wondered.

"Oh god another one" Lisbeth said while rolling her eyes "Well look I'm not going with you to find some rare metal to craft something amazing, I've made that mistake before. If you want a custom weapon made you'll have to bring your own materials or settle for what I have here."

"Ok... will this work?" I asked as I handed an ingot to Lisbeth. As she inspected it her eyes went wide.

"Whoa where did you find True Speed Ingots? I thought these were just a myth."

"There was lots of golems on the 59th floor, they have them as a rare drop when beaten so I picked up a few." I opened my menu and displayed the 12 more in my inventory. Lisbeth seemed like she was going to fall over backwards at the sight of all those rare materials.

Eventually she seemed to compose herself and said "I tell you what, whenever you get rare materials like that, you sell them to me first at a discount. In return I'll make you an amazing Glaive and keep your gear all fixed up. Deal?"

A reason to keep coming back? Take it you fool! My mind shouted. "Yeah... deal" I finally spluttered out. Lisbeth's smile grew wide and she beckoned me to follow her to the workshop.

Lisbeth took the ingot and placed it in the furnace. She nodded before taking the metal back out and beginning to hammer it out into shape. The ingot gradually changed into a slight sausage shape and then suddenly the metal elongated and formed into the shape of a glaive. The business end of the weapon was silver and curved back towards its point and the hilt looked like it was made from some dark wood. Whilst it was a simple blade to look at I could see it was expertly crafted.

"Ok all done" Lisbeth said triumphantly "She's one of a kind, I've named it 'Whirlwind'. Give it a quick try and see what you think." I picked up the weapon and used two basic sword skills to test it. To my surprise the glaive seemed like it weighed no more than a short sword and moved through the air at a blistering pace.

"This will be perfect" I said beaming. "What do I owe you?"

"Let's call this first one free as part of our deal" Lisbeth replied.

"Oh... Thank you"

"Don't mention it, just make sure to keep up your end of the bargain" Lisbeth said in a stern tone.

"Of course, thanks again" I said while turning to leave the shop.

"Wait what's your name dummy, kinda need to know if we're going to have a business deal going on". Lisbeth called after me.

"Oh right, my name is Tyzn" I replied as I opened the door and left.

Just after Tyzn had left Lis smacked herself on the cheeks. "Damnit Liz are you just going to do this with every cute guy who walks into your shop?" She said to herself.

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