20. From the Heart

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A/N: So like a complete moron I uploaded the chapter after this one first and only realised as I went to add what was meant to be the next chapter :/

Anyways it should all be in order again now.

Chapter 20 July 14th 2025 "From the Heart"

Tokyo Hospital

My eyes opened, slowly revealing fluorescent lighting. A strange feeling of Deja-vu flooded in, at least this time it wasn't stinging my eyes. I shifted slightly and felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder.

Ow! I take it back! Stinging eyes were better!

I grimaced and looked around the room, spotting a clock on the wall. As my eyes focused I saw that it was 11am.

"11am? How is it 11am? We left the mall at 7pm" I whispered to myself. I tried to think back, to see what had happened. I remembered leaving the mall with Liz and walking along but the rest was hazy. The more I focused, the more the fog lifted, but it was interrupted by sounds from outside the door as it swung open.

"I'm sorry mum but I'm not just going..." Liz stood in the doorway with a bandage on a slightly swollen cheek. Seeing me with my eyes open had stopped her midsentence.

But for me, seeing her injured beauty made my blood boil and the flood of memory of the big man punching Liz came flooding back. That bastard hurt Liz! My fist clenched once more as my anger increased.

Liz shot across the room to me and leapt onto my bed face down. She began to sob and I could hear her voice muffled by my chest as she spoke.

"You big dummy, why did you jump in to fight like that?"

I put my arm around Liz and felt my anger subside. Liz is safe. I began to feel joy once more and struggled to stop my voice cracking as I spoke.

"To protect you silly, I won't let anything bad happen to you, never again you hear?" Liz sobbed a few times more. "You mean the world to me Liz, I'm sorry that I wasn't fast enough to keep you safe." I was doing so well until the end but my voice finally cracked and tears began to form in my eyes.

It was only then that I noticed a woman in the doorway with a smile on her face. I turned to look at her and she bowed towards me.

"I'm sorry, my name is Mei Shinozaki. I'm Rika's mother." My eyes went wide, this probably isn't the best place or situation to have a first parent meeting. Oh crap she probably heard what I just said to Liz too!

"My name is Reo Nakumura, it's a pleasure to meet you miss" I said in as calm and respectful voice as I could muster.

"Rika told me what happened, so I believe the pleasure is all mine" Mei replied with a big smile. "I'm glad she has friends like you watching out for her."

"Thank you miss." Mei moved her hands behind her back and turned to leave and as she reached the doorway she turned back.

"Do either of you want a drink or something to eat?" She asked still wearing her smile. Liz shook her head on my chest.

"No thank you" I replied.

"Ok then, I'll leave you two love birds alone" Mei said as she closed the door. Liz's head shot up.

"MUM!!" Liz screamed and we could hear a little laughter from behind the door. Liz then turned to look at my face and seeing her injury I felt the urge to try and comfort her. I raised a hand to her cheek and carefully put it over the dressing. Liz raised a hand to meet mine and gently placed it on top.

Liz smiled at me, a smile which could wash away all the pain in instant, for a while before slumping back down again. "Errgh, that was embarrassing"

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